Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day Fifteen: Bible Adventures!


Today, a couple of things happened. First of all, I finally finished a book seeing as the last one was like a month ago. Today I finished Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (I know it's a play but too bad!) for my Advanced Creative Writing class. It was alright I guess. I think that it is a lot more powerful and intimate when it is watched as opposed to read, so I will have to do 
that at some point. 

Second, my Spanish teacher, Profe, made all the people in the Spanish Honor Society an amazing lunch! Había ensalada, hongos, flan, patatas fritas, plátanos fritos, y arroz con pollo y más! Needless to say, it kind of made my day.

Lastly, for my gift, I was siting in Bible class, listening to my Bible teacher speak. I figured that I was a rather good multitasker and that I could get things done more efficiently if I listened to him speak and did something else. So, I made this really nicely designed note with lots of inspiration phrases and pictures, folded it up, and stuffed it into one of the Bibles in the back of the room. I hope someone enjoys it!

Books Read: 3 (W00T!!!!)
Why Today Was Awesome: AWESOME Profe Food!
Today's Gift: Note in a Bible
Song Stuck in My Head: "Silly Love Songs" 


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