Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day One: Pi Adventures!


Today was the VERY FIRST day of my and Jen's 29 Gift Adventures!!! (W000TT!) Which also means a super exciting month of gift giving, BEDIFing, and good times. For those of you who don't know what the 29-Day Giving Challenge is, it was created by a woman who was diagnosed with a life threatening disease. She was able to get better through a processes in which she gave away 29 gifts over the course of 29 days as prescribed by an African medicine woman. So, everyday, Jen and I will give separate gifts, then reflect on the process here on our blog. (Check out the website here). 

Our general plan is to have a mixture of "planned" gifts and "spontaneous" gifts, as suggested by Mr. U. So to make it a little more interesting, Jen and I are gonna switch off on the planned and spontaneous gifts. For example, today, I came up with my gift while sitting around school and Jen had hers prepared from the night before, and tomorrow, we will switch. 

So, today, I must say that I had a very give-y themed day. My legit Gift of the day was a little happy note covered in stickers and nice words that I put into the locker number "314" because that is an awesome locker number. It is kind of weak, I know that, but it is a decent start. And now, as Jen said last time, I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up!

Then, during lunch today, they were selling Shave Ice in celebration of "No Name Calling Week" at school. So I was just walking past to get some napkins because someone spilled water at our bench, and Mr. U gave me $2 to buy some shave ice. I was kind of taken aback by this, it caught me off guard because I spent the day thinking about ways that I could give, and then Mr. U gave something to me, which was awesome. So I ended up buying some shave ice then giving it to my friends since I had to go to a meeting anyway. 

Lastly, I'm sure most of you guys have seen it before, but in Bible, our teacher showed us the video "Validation". It's an amazing video that fills you with all kinds of good feelings, and I have seen it before, but this just felt rather fitting, watching it today. 

Also, just a real quick story. So there is this website called Tee Fury where they release new T-shirts everyday, but only for that day. So one day, they had a random shirt sale, where if you buy one, you get a SIX DOLLAR random shirt!!!! I did this before and got a shirt with that had a design about Parks and Recreation, which was cool, but I don't really watch Parks and Rec. BUT, this time I did it, I freaking got a FREAKING GOT A FREAKING DOCTOR WHO SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess who's excited! THIS GUY!!!!

Okay, enough for today. See you tomorrow!!!! 

Books Read: 2
Why Today Was Awesome: DOCTOR WHO SHIRT!!!!

Today's Gift: Surprise Note in Pi Locker
Song Stuck in My Head: "Fix You" by Coldplay


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