Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day Fourteen: Food Loves

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Today, I made and prepared a gift but I did not get to deliver it. Sad face! Let me explain.

This morning, as I was getting ready for school, I still didn't know what to do for my gift. But I knew that I wanted to do something love-slash-Valentine's-Day themed so I grabbed my three special pink heart-shaped post-its and stuffed them in my purse, hoping that I would figure out a way to use them sometime during the day. And I did! After school, I was thinking about what I really loved in this world and, really, one of the things that came to mind was....FOOD! I am a big foodie--Kendall often calls me names because I am obsessed with food, but I don't care.

Food makes me happy. It will  always stay by my side and comfort me when I'm down. It will always celebrate special occasions with me. It will never let me forget that I am loved. It will always, always, always love me back no matter what. But I couldn't very well write a love note to food, right? So, instead, I wrote a love note to the people who have made it so easy for me to fall in love with and to continue loving food--the cafeteria staff at school!

The stereotypical school always serves the most disgusting food. You see it in books, on TV, in movies, etc. But 'Iolani is not like that. Mr. Wada, the cafeteria manager at school, and his staff work tirelessly to bring us the most amazing food. They come up with cool lunch and breakfast specials and even change up the menu. On May Day, there's always poi and kalua pig. Today, on Valentine's Day, they had chocolate-covered strawberries and red velvet cupcakes. In honor of George Washington's birthday on the 22nd next week, they will have a Dollar Menu. They now have Pono Plate Wednesdays where they serve a special lunch pack with organic and locally grown healthy food. The excitement in homeroom is always palpable when the teacher announces that one of the entire school's favorite lunches would be served later on that day: Steak Fridays, Mochiko Chicken Day, etc. And, of course, Kendall's favorite day of the week is Tuesdays. Why? Because Tuesday is Garlic Chicken Bento Day. Oh yeah, we have an amazing cafeteria staff.

So I wrote them a little love note. Below is a picture with all of the post-it hearts. The message actually requires Mr. Wada and his crew to peel off the hearts one by one to reveal the message line by line and word by word. I had fun making this in the SAO so I hope they have just as much fun reading it tomorrow when I sneakily deliver it to Mr. Wada.

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs: 3
Current food cravings/obsessions: deep fried mozzarella sticks
Playlist(s) of the Week: "A Deluge of Scenarios"


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