Monday, February 6, 2012

Day Six: Good Monday Morning

This will be short and sweet. Today, I chose to give something that someone has given me many times but I haven't, not even once, taken the initiative to do for that someone in return: the simple but oh so welcome "Good morning" text.

Since we saw each other again last fall after a couple of years of not seeing each other, my friend, Rennel, and I exchanged numbers so that we could keep in touch in ways besides Facebook. Since then, he has been yet another master of the little things by sending me a short little text every now and then in the morning, wishing me a great day full of laughter and happiness. Of course, who wouldn't smile at something like that? I've replied to him several times, wishing him the same, but there are times when I do miss his texts because I usually put my cell phone on silent in my bag once I get to school. However, I have never been the first person to send it. So, today, especially because everyone needs an extra boost on Monday, I sent him a "Good Monday morning" text, wishing him a dynamic day and a wonderful week. He immediately responded to my message, wishing me the same. Hopefully, I made a difference.

Risks taken: 14
Hugs: Well, considering I didn't feel well enough to go to school today so I've been home alone, 0.
Current food cravings/obsessions: water (again)...I feel full for some reason. (WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!)
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Therapy Sessions with Max"


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