Monday, February 6, 2012

Day Six: Jamba Adventures!


So, it was bums that Jen wasn't at school today, but she is trying to get better so that's good and stuff. Although, she better be at school tomorrow because we are taking the AMC and I'm super excited! W00T!!!!

Anyways, so, I'm not gonna lie, I kind of messed up today at first. In the morning I thought that I would be able to do my gift during period 4 or something, but then the day came and went and I never gave a gift. I was halfway home when I suddenly realized that I hadn't given a gift. Good for me that I'm quick on my feet because I was planning on making a quick stop at Jamba Juice before I went home because I was thirsty.

I know it may seem lame, but I got a good idea for a gift to give at Jamba Juice. I always have had trouble speaking to people that I don't know that well, especially things that are not necessarily comfortable for me. So once the lady behind the counter gave me my Jamba and I said thank you, as I always do, I also added in a "Have a nice day!", to which she monotonously replied "You too." Even if it didn't mean anything to her, it's nice just knowing that I did a nice small thing for someone else. 

I'm off to study for the AMC, until then, later days. 

Books Read: 2
Why Today Was Awesome: Little Things

Today's Gift: "Have a nice day"
Song Stuck in My Head: Nothing..... (again...)


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