Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day Eighteen: Room Service

I woke up very early today after only a couple of hours of sleep because I had to go to the debate tournament in school. Because I wasn't competing, and because we're hosting the tournament, I had to go and help out. 

I had never before realized just how much work goes into running a tournament. I actually got a glimpse of this on Friday after school when I was helping to set up the tournament. I mean, I had competed in IDT in years past but I've never thought about how stressed Mrs. M and Mr. T must always be this time of the year. 

On the Friday of IDT every year, we students are always required to help in lugging all the boxes of supplies from Mrs. M's room to the cafeteria and the faculty lounge which would become the judges' lounge and the tab room for the days of the tournament. When I debated in IDT and helped out with this chore, I remember just carrying the boxes and leaving them on the tables in the cafeteria as we were told and going back to our benches without a single thought about the boxes at all. Until the next IDT the following year.

But, see, I helped with the boxes yesterday and before I could leave the room, Toks asked me to fill the huge coffee maker with water and stuff. It sounds pretty "duh" but I had never before realized that people actually had to make the coffee that the judges and the tournament staff drank during the two days of tournament. So much appreciation for the league right now. 

Anyway, my gift today was kind of like that: stepping into the shoes of the tournament hosts and coaches and coordinators. This morning, Mrs. M gave me the master keys to Weinberg and I opened and set up all three-floors of rooms in Weinberg. I had to make sure that lights were on, doors were unlocked, bathrooms were secure, everything. Then, toward the end of the day, as the final rounds neared, Mrs. M and I had to reset them all again. Prior to the tournament, we had to make maps of the rooms so that we knew exactly where everything was supposed to be. During the tournament, everything gets messed up because the competitors, judges and observes all move the chairs and desks around. So cleaning up involved lots of pushing desks and carrying chairs here and there and erasing the boards and emptying out the trash bins and even wiping out the scuff marks from debate shoes. That was really tiring, but I hope my gift helped out a lot especially because this is the menial behind-the-scenes labor that not a lot of speech and debaters see often.

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs: 6
Current food cravings/obsessions: I just ate cereal.
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Like an N But Not Really"


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