Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day Twenty-Nine: The Final Adventure!

Ahhh the last of the 29 days is finally upon us!!! Today was a crazy day jam-packed with giving, so let's start. 

My first gift, and kind of official gift I suppose, was a really simple one. One of my friends, Shannon, came up to me during one of our frees and asked if I wanted to come with them to walk to Jamba Juice down the street. I said no because I had some other stuff to do, but then I realized that they had to walk and it was kind of far, so I offered to Shannon if she wanted to drive my car over there. It was kind of iffy in my mind at first, but then I realized that it would be something nice to do and that I trusted her enough to do something like that. So, she took my car and her and two others went down to Jamba Juice and had a fiesta!

Next, today was leap day, the prophetical extra day that only comes once every four years. Because of this, the Spirit committee (Our sister committee) found that there was only one girl in the entire upper school with their birthday on this day, therefore, they did the most logical thing and threw this girl an all school birthday party. It was kind of really awesome and I think that she really enjoyed it. There was free cake and ice cream for all, and well all sang happy birthday to this girl while she was on a comfy couch, surrounded by happy birthday balloons and a gift basket full of wonderful goodies. I wasn't able to stick around and help for most of it, but I'm glad that I was able to be there to help make her day that much more special.

Today is the last day of BEDiF, but don't fret, because we will be back with BEWTY every week starting next week. (Until April that is.) And to all those who are reading on the 29 gifts website, I want to say thank you so much for all the awesome comments everyday, it really does make my day to see other people giving just like I have been trying to. Until next time!

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Leap Day!
Today's Gift: Car to Shannon (and so much more!)
Song Stuck in My Head: EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day Twenty-Eight: Fun with Second Graders

I may have already told this story, but whatever. Several weeks ago, I had to go talk to Mrs. Keefer about something for the Family Fair but she was on the phone for something really important. It was a Tuesday and there was a class of second graders in there, just drawing and basically artsy-ing it up. Some of them had taken the summer swimming classes that I "babysat" for my summer job last June, so I knew some of them and they didn't think I was weird for randomly sitting in their class or anything. So, I spent most of my free period in there that day, just watching the kids complete their Chinese New Year art projects and giving them some fraction problems to solve in their heads.

This is the first Tuesday is weeks, now, in which I didn't really have pressing homework to do so I dropped by the SAO to say hi and I mentioned to Mr. U that I intended to walk over to Lower School after so  I can hang out with the kids. We walked there together because he had to talk to Mrs. Keefer, too. When we got there, the kids were wrapping gifts for their parents (they had taken pictures of their families and gotten them framed last week, so these were their gifts). I sat with them and talked to them, making sure that they did most of the work and only helping them out when they really needed it. They were doing lots of folding and taping and tying of ribbons and writing cards and it was just so much fun hanging out with them. I helped them out with the taping and the tying of the ribbons, a pretty tricky task for seven-year-olds.

Like, I said, I love kids because their always so enthusiastic about everything. And they're never too afraid to say what they feel and think and that frankness is so genuine and unbelievably amazing. We talked about pets, siblings, books, dragons, and fractions all in a matter of half an hour or so. And the speed at which they switch from one topic to the other! So hilarious. They all had a fun time being silly about guessing my age--I kept giving them math problems with the answer 18 so that they would get it right, but they were having fun guessing that I was, like, 19566 or a million years old.

So that was my gift, today: time, laughter, help and jokes with second graders in art class.

Now, Mrs. Keefer says that she has TWO first-grade classes after lunch on Fridays and that I would be welcome to sit in on those whenever I have the time....hmmmm.... :)

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs:  1
Current food cravings/obsessions: butter mochi
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "LIFE IS S***"

Day Twenty-Eight: Penguin Adventures

O Ri Gat O

The gift that I gave today was originally meant for yesterday, but I was unable to give it yesterday, therefore, I have a very similar gift for today. Today, I gave one of my friends, LJ, a stuffed penguin because she loves penguins. I thought that she really deserved it because she is an awesome person and she is definitely under appreciated.

Also, you know how I said I copied Jen yesterday with messaging people on tumblr? Well, today, I got home and saw a message from one of the people that I sent a message to. It was just really nice to see that I was able to make someone's day, who I don't even know. It definitely made my day. 

One more day of giving!!! AHHHHHH!!!

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Response message from Sarah
Today's Gift: Penguin to LJ
Song Stuck in My Head: "The Greatest" by Kenny Rogers

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day Twenty-Seven: Positive Energy/Zapper Letters

Today, for my official gift, I wrote out six short letters of warmth. Each one said (more or less):

Dear You,
I want you to know that you are amazing. You are beautiful. You matter in this world. And you deserve so much. But if things don't go the way you want them to, chin up--if you don't, you might miss out on the good things that are sure to follow. Keep going, okay? SMILE.
Someone Who Cares

Then, I placed them in separate envelopes and sent them to each of the Upper School counselors--one for each grade from 7th through 12th grade. I included a post-it inside each envelope, addressed to the counselors. In the post-it, I asked the counselor for a small favor: to pass the letter of warmth along to someone in their respective grade who, they think, could really use a pick-me-up. At first, I wanted to deliver them myself--to people I've seen around school who I thought could use a good reason to smile. But I didn't trust myself enough to know exactly who would need it or appreciate it the most, so I decided to let the counselors decide. I mean, they do know their respective grades the best.

Although this one was my official gift, I think I really did a good job of giving today. It's weird, but I noticed that I'm more aware of moments when I can give to others when I'm feeling down--as if I feed off of the positive energy of giving in order to keep me going when times are tough. So, today, Ayami came in the SAO during Period 6 and asked if she could talk to me. I gave her some advice about a problem she had and about sophomore banquet. Cole didn't want to walk all the way to the Lower School library to deliver a note, so I delivered it instead. Tiffany needed covered shoes to get in the Hawaii Theater for musical rehearsal, so when she asked me if we could trade after school, I willingly took my shoes and socks off and wore her sandals home today.

Risks taken: 15 

Hugs:  1
Current food cravings/obsessions: water
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "LIFE IS S***"

Day Twenty-Seven: Tiger Adventures!


Today's gift was another simple one. While looking through the deep recesses of my closet, I found my hidden stash of stuffed animals. In the mix, I found a white stripped tiger stuffed animal, which just so happens to be my friend Rachel's favorite. Therefore, I brought it to school and surprised her with it. I'm glad that she enjoyed it.

While I won't consider this to be my gift, I was so inspired by Jen sending tumblr people messages, I decided to do the same to the people that I truly admired on tumblr. I have to say that it felt good to let the people who I follow and respect know that I respect them. 

As a short reflection of this experience, Mr. U keeps saying that by giving to my friends, I'm staying within my comfort zone. And while I agree with that, I don't think that giving to random people is out of my comfort zone. Giving is something that's really easy for me, and to give to someone who I don't know isn't really that hard for me to do mentally. The reason why I haven't been doing it at all is because it requires a lot more creativity and effort on my part, which is something that's kind of hard if I'm doing this every day, while giving to people I know is easy for me to do in a shorter amount of time. The main thing that I like about doing this 29 gifts thing is the fact that I am able to make people just a little bit happier, which I can do by giving to my friends or to people I don't know. I have nothing against giving to strangers and it's not something that I'm afraid to do, it just requires more effort which I don't really have. (Mr. U, if you read this before I explain it to you, that's probably because I just reasoned it out in my head just now, but hopefully I will talk to you about it tomorrow.) 

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: 
Today's Gift: Tiger to Rachel
Song Stuck in My Head: "When You Believe" 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Days Twenty-Five and Twenty Six: Frozen Yogurt and Tumblr

I've been in a daze these past two days. The whole weekend just kind of came crashing down on me and I just didn't wanna get up amid all the rubble because it would involve energy and effort and I feel that I'm really lacking those at the moment. I have these things that I have to do and I should do but all I'm doing are things that keep me from doing the things that I have to and/or should do. I'm not depressed or crazy or anything--just lethargic and cynical, I guess. It's not the whole "crouched in a dark corner thing." It's more like the whole "staring up at the ceiling fan" thing. Except this time, it's not dark outside. And I'm actually attempting to get out of it by listening to my "Feeling Mighty Fine" playlist, instead of the playlist meant for the "staring up at the ceiling fan" bouts, but it's not working. Anyway, I have reasons. 

I finished third in the speech competition on Saturday. And I'm not as upset as I should be about not getting the scholarship. Because I'm more upset that I just disappointed so many people. So. Many. People. And I feel like a failure, despite the fact that I know I am not one. The worst thing is that I expected to be third--after I went out there and gave my speech, I knew it and I felt it. I was not perfect, no, but I was definitely far from good. Looking back, I know I could have done more, I could have worked harder, I could have practiced more. But it's no use crying about it now. I did, for a while after, but I went and got frozen yogurt and sat in a corner of Barnes&Noble for a good long while, reading. Escaping reality, more like. So that made it a bit better. I know that there is a silver lining because I can see it. Part of me just wants to reject it because a silver lining only exists when it's dark and cloudy outside, and it's completely my fault that it's dark and cloudy outside in the first place. Just. Gah. I'm letting myself stew and be a sapper by myself just so that I can get it all out by tomorrow. Get. It. All. Out.

I'm sorry for being so deps. Trying harder...NOW!

All right, Saturday's gift! I bought my brother some frozen yogurt. See, he wanted some Jamba Juice at first and I told him I had, like, two or three gift cards that I've never used before so we agreed to walk there together. But then I craved some frozen yogurt for my aching aching life so we went to get that first. I offered Josh some, but he said no. Then, on our way to Jamba Juice, he was like, "I changed my mind, I think I want frozen yogurt now, too." So I was like, "Told you! No big deal, let's go back." So we did. And I bought him a frozen yogurt. He was being all shy at first because I was paying for it, but I started laughing at him. I told him, "What are you doing? Fill it up. Fill up the whole thing. This is frozen yogurt. Go nuts. Fill the whole cup." And so he did. Then when we walked into Barnes&Noble, and I said, "I haven't given a gift yet. What should I do?" Then Josh looked at me and said, "Yeah, you did." And he held up his frozen yogurt cup for me to see. He explained that he felt bad because he should have been buying me frozen yogurt after not doing so well in the speech competition, but I had offered to buy it for him instead because I knew he didn't have any money with him. He also said that I was very patient when he said that he had changed his mind. So that was my gift for Saturday.

Today's gift! I messaged all of my non-IRL-friends followers on Tumblr. I sent them nice thank yous and warm wishes. Well wishes from a random stranger? That would definitely make me smile. There was a good number of them because I have more than one blog so it took a while.

I'm working on good ones for the final three days. Well, I think they're good gifts--it's all subjective.

Okay, back to the topic of the speech competition. I will defeat this in a matter of a single paragraph. Ready? Okay, go:

THERE IS A SILVER LINING. When I was in eighth grade, I finished third in the state spelling bee. The year before, I had placed fifth, so that was an improvement. But I cried so hard after because I worked and studied so much and it was my last year of eligibility and I felt that third place was like the ultimate worst place because it meant that I was so close but not close enough. In an attempt to comfort me, my mom told me something along the lines of "Maybe it's just not part of your fate/destiny." Back then I thought of it really negatively, as if she was saying that there was nothing I could have done that would have gotten me to the top. I remember thinking that I would never ever let Fate or Destiny decided where I go and what I do. Ever. But the years have taught me that I shouldn't be upset when things don't go the way I want them to, because sometimes, something better comes along or happens instead. Like Rachel Cohn said in my life's anthem/book, Dash & Lily's Book of Dares, "I need to keep my mind open for what could happen and not decide that the world is hopeless if what I want to happen doesn't happen. Because something else great might happen in between." My mom told me basically the same thing, this weekend. So did Mrs. M (kinda), Shayne, and Josh. Maybe it really wasn't part of my destiny to win that scholarship. But the first thing that Mrs. M told me when I walked up to her after was, "Chin up, we're going to states. And you know what? We'll go to nationals, too." She told me that, interestingly, NFL nationals is also in Indianapolis, probably even the same venue in which the AL nationals would take place. SO THERE IS A SILVER LINING. I'm going to go to States. And I'm going to qualify for Nationals if it kills me.

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs:  1
Current food cravings/obsessions: Rice...but I'm giving that up for Lent, rice for me.
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "Feeling Mighty Fine"

Day Twenty-Six: Tutoring Adventures!


Hi. So basically, my gift for today was tutoring my mom's friend's daughter in math. Yup. I mean, there really isn't much else to say but that. My gift was helping someone in the beautiful art of math. Every single opportunity you get. 

In other news, Jen failed to post again yesterday!!! But I suppose that she had a good reason. We are almost done with this project and I hope that we are able to finish strongly! Well, I'm tired, and have a little bit of homework to do. I will see you guys tomorrow!

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Parametric Equations
Today's Gift: Tutoring 8th Grader
Song Stuck in My Head: "This Year" by Meghan Tonjes

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day Twenty-Five: Banana Adventures!

Good evening!

Today was a busy busy day, with a lot going on. First, I had a wrestling tournament, ILH champs, so that was a lot of work/fun. But, during the beginning of it, Jen was having her speech tournament right across the street, so I dug out and went to watch her compete. I don't want to say how she did overall, but personally, I thought she did really well and she should be proud of how awesome she was. That was kind of a gift in itself, but I already gave her a gift yesterday, so I'm not counting that officially.

Then, for the next few hours, I was back at the wrestling tournament. This time was not as stressful as a few weeks ago, but there was still a lot to be done. I spent most of my time kind of just doing whatever needed to be done, which was, at one point, to get some food for everyone. So I went over to the concessions stand, got the food, and brought it back to the other managers. However, Sydney had asked for a banana originally, on top of other food, but I had forgotten it when I came back.

Once I had gotten back and I had realized that I forgotten the banana, Sid had just said that it was no big deal and not to worry about it. But I felt bad because it really is the little things that make a big difference, so I went back and got her that banana. Another cool part of the tournament is that one thing we have to do is enter all the stuff into the computer, which is this tiny little laptop with a little screen. So, the adult who was kind of in charge of everything had brought in a giant TV screen to use as our monitor. It was awesome. 

Then, after that, we had our Senior Luau at school. It was just a time for food, family, and friends and it was fun. I thought that it was really awesome that the parents had gotten us towels with our class shirt design on them. It was cool and I thank them and all the other teachers and advisers for that. Enough blogging, more sleeping.  

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: All of it was kind of awesome (Especially the GIANT monitor!!!)
Today's Gift: Banana for Sydney
Song Stuck in My Head: There are too many going at once

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day Twenty-Four: Bye Bye Books

Uber short today, sorry. 

I like books. And I like owning them. But this morning, I called my brother over to my room so that he can take some of my old books and donate it to the Book Drive that his homeroom adviser conducted in school this whole week. It wasn't easy to do but I thought that the books would better serve their purpose out there in the hands of someone who doesn't normally get to feel the heavenly pages of books than, you know, sitting under my bed. 

Okay, bye!

Risks taken: 15 
Current food cravings/obsessions: none (gasp)
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Like An N, But Not Really"

P.S. Kendall gave me a grapefruit today. Yes, it is a big deal. MY LIFE = MADE!

Day Twenty-Four: Grapefruit Adventures!


Today was actually a pretty fun and crazy day. First off, in the morning, I decided to give Jen a gift today. This is because tomorrow, Jen has a HUGE speech tournament in which she has to memorize SIX freaking speeches!!! She has been stressing out about them and everything else all week long, and I felt as if she needed to relax for just a few minutes. 

As you can see on our list, "Share a Grapefruit for Breakfast" was one of the things that we wanted to do. This is because Jen has only had weird Filipino grapefruits, and not for breakfast, whereas I eat grapefruit for breakfast semi-regularly. I surprised her with a grapefruit and a spoon this morning to feast upon the citrusy goodness. Send her good vibes for her tournament tomorrow!!!

Anyways, today was cool because we had this all school assembly known as Faculty Follies, in which the teachers and staff basically make fools of themselves in front of everyone for our entertainment and so that we can let them know how much we appreciate them. There were so many cool and fun events such as Mr. Park breaking a world record, crazy half-court shots, an awesome performance of "Rolling in the Deep," and of course, an amazing rendition of the bird dance by Mr. Cropsey. Good times were had my friends, good times. 

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Faculty Follies!
Today's Gift: Grapefruit for Jen
Song Stuck in My Head: "Cough Syrup" by Young the Giant

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day Twenty-Three: Smiley Texts and Citrusy Tea

Two gifts today! Kinda.

Gift #1: I was in Mrs. M's room for speech practice after school but Dr. Won dropped by to say hi to her so I had to wait a bit. It wasn't awkward, and I wasn't trying to listen to their conversation or anything (I was actually texting) but it was just really clear to me that they have been very good friends for a very long time. They were joking around and laughing and teasing each other and their friendship just welled up inside me. So I sent a text to one of my good friends, Elvis (yes, that is his real name). He's a year older than me so he goes to college now but I met him through my sister back when we all used to go to the same middle school. Anyway, when I met him, we instantly "adopted" each other--that's how we became "siblings." It's been a while since we've talked or hung out because of my schedule and he's either working or studying so I sent him a text wishing him a wonderful rest of the day and reminding him to smile.

Gift #2: My mom, my dad, and I are all pretty sick--headaches, fevers, runny nose, some coughing. I made orange-flavored tea after dinner with lemon juice. It was warm and good and citrus-y. Mmmmmmm.....

On another note, I feel very bad that I didn't go to Big Bro/Big Sis today at Ala Wai because of speech practice. Josh told me that Kei was really sad. I miss him! I will bring him a snack next week to make up for my absences. :(

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs: 1
Current food cravings/obsessions: more tea
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Like An N, But Not Really"

Day Twenty-Three: Note Adventures!

Not gonna lie, today was a lamer. Lame lame lame sauce all over. But that's alright, because I still had a very give-y day! Let's talk about the better gifts of the day first. This morning, my friend asked if she could have a ride to school. So when I got there, she came out of her house with a piece of cinnamon toast. I must say that it was delicious. 

Second, during Leadership today, Mr. U told the kids about how our school's Special Programs Office was having a really rough day. Summer school registration opened up for the public (outside schools) today, and that's a very crazy and hectic time for them. However, their system in which people signed up with, shut down. Therefore, they had angry parents calling like crazy, parents were freaking out, everything was going wrong. 

Mr. U noticed that they were super stressed and instead of doing what we had planned for today, he decided that it would be better to help them out. So, they spent a good part of the class, making posters and little notes and other awesome things to give to the office. When we went to deliver them, they looked so happy that there was something to be happy about. It was a really awesome moment. 

On a much more lame note, my gift was just a simple, yet heartfelt, post-it note for our friend Adrienne, who I believe deserves way more recognition for how incredibly awesome she is. All I can really say is that I hope that she enjoys it!

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Surprising the SPO!
Today's Gift: Small note to Aid
Song Stuck in My Head: "Cough Syrup" by Young the Giant

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day Twenty-Two: "Kind Mathy Words"

I think Kendall mentioned this in his blog post yesterday: He took the American Mathematics Competition 12 test today. Again. As in, he took it a couple of weeks ago for the first time (I did, too--it was mandatory!) and he took it for a second time at 7:30 in the morning today. Like, he signed up for it beforehand. Voluntarily. And, yes, he was fully awake when he signed up for it.

Kendall is in Pre-calculus Honors. And he’s in love with it. He's REALLY GOOD at it, to boot. He had a math test in PCH today, as well, after the AMC and I was a bit worried so I asked him, “Hey, you have a test in PCH today, too, right?”

He just rolled his eyes and said, “Pssh, yeah, but I’m not worried about that. That’s like asking me, 'Hey, you’re gonna have dinner tonight, right?' What I am worried about is the Bible test!”

I, on the other hand, don’t like math. I only like it when it makes perfect sense and I know exactly what I am doing at all times. So Calculus bites. Often. 

Anyway, because of our math disparities, I always scoff at Kendall’s geeky enthusiasm for algebra and he always laughs at my pathetic quiz scores. Yep, we have a good relationship.

But, when I found out that he was taking it a second time, I couldn’t help but be amazed at how he signed up to take the math test a second time just because he believed that he could do way better than his first try. That kind of passion for something is admirable to me. I don’t always show it so I decided to wish him luck before his test. Last night, I made a small sign based on the logo used by the Hawaii Meth Project whose slogan is “Not even once.” I printed it in school this morning, stood outside the SAO's glass wall and called his attention. I then ninja-style taped the sign to the SAO’s glass door and then ran away.

He liked it.

The actual logo/slogan of the Hawaii Meth Project

This is the mini-sign I made
Risks taken: 15 
Hugs: 6
Current food cravings/obsessions: chicken noodle soup...(not water, because I have a water bottle right next to me THAT'S RIGHT WHAT NOW HUH?)
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Like An N, But Not Really"

Day Twenty-Two: Dollar Adventures!

Because today is George Washington's birthday, our sister committee, Spirit, decided to sell select snack bar items for $1 at lunch time. Like, a $2 gatorade for a dollar. Like, dude. Dude. 

Anyway, I was walking down toward my bench right before lunch and I noticed the super long line behind the dollar item table and saw Mr. U and two other peers at the table itself, looking slightly frantic. Without thinking about it, I walked straight over to the table and asked if they needed any help. That was my gift, helping the Spirit committee out in their stressful, yet awesome, event for the school.

In other news, I had some Panda's today. It was gross. I feel gross now. Fun stuff. Fun stuff.... Okay, time to go. Meow. 

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Test adventures!
Today's Gift: Helping the Spirit Committee!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Call to Arms" by Ministry of Magic

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day Twenty-One: 'Iolani One Team

At first glance, today seemed like I just thought about me. The day seems like a blur--I remember rushing to the cafeteria in the morning to grab two cartons of OJ and an orange. I remember typing away in the computer lab, too focused to notice anything else around me. I remember rushing to classes but not the actual classes themselves, too busy trying to memorize my speeches in my head. What with being on the brink of a nasty cold on the week of what could possibly be the most important speech competition of my life and having to deal with the stress inherent in going to 'Iolani, I definitely feel like I disappointed the 29 Gifts community, myself included, today. All I can see are the missed opportunities to give.

But I know I'm not supposed to beat myself up for it because I'm sure that I did something, even the tiniest thing, right? And as it turns out, I did find a little nugget of "giving" that I did today: Whenever I crossed paths with a debater who competed this past weekend, I made sure to congratulate them all whether they placed and qualified for the state tournament in April or just missed it by a few ballots. I hugged Nick, yelled my congrats to Alex as she rushed past me, greeted Cat (sp?) warmly when I ran into her in the bathroom, expressed my happiness for Debbie when I walked past her, gave Kenneth and Rachel a hug, etc. As a competitor myself, I know that, sometimes, all people really need to hear is an enthusiastic "Awesome job this weekend!" or, at the very least, a genuine "How did you do?" and a sincere "Aww, you'll get it next time, just you wait!" can make a person feel better. Our"One Team"-ness, as shown in the outward gesture that teammates often make toward each other, is one of the reasons that I'm going to miss high school once I graduate.

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs: 0
Current food cravings/obsessions: chicken noodle soup
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Like An N, But Not Really"

Day Twenty-One: Book Writing Adventures!

In the leadership class that I am currently co-teaching/helping/who knows what it is called, there is a "book" for the students to read/do activities in and such. The teacher, Mr. U, created this book to make leadership class a better experience. However, in today's society with new technology and opportunities available, Mr. U wants to convert this book onto the iPad for all future students. This is where I come in. 

Mr. U originally wanted to do it himself and then just have a group of students help him to brainstorm and get good ideas to make it as good as it could be. However, he asked me if I could do it myself and have a group guide and advise me because I seem to be the techy person around. I'm incredibly excited by this and I hope that it turns out to be amazing, and I know that Mr. U is too, and that's why for my gift today, I made a legit(ish) prototype for Mr. U to gaze upon and envision this project coming to life.

In other news, I'm taking the AMC again tomorrow. If I get 14 for sursies correct, then I can get a 100, but that's not gonna happen. Oh well, I still want to do it and do well! No risk taking this time! 

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Critical Thinking
Today's Gift: Book for Mr. U
Song Stuck in My Head: EMPTINESS!!!