Wednesday, August 22, 2012

BEDA 22: You Expect Me to Skim That?

I know I promised more deets here but I can't. I just can't. I just read about 60 pages about the birth and death of so many things: slavery, Jim Crow South, and mass incarceration. And I started at 2ish pm. And now I have to skim a 40-page brief about some US Department of Justice's prisoners. Don't get me wrong, this is pretty interesting stuff. But there are so many words!

That's enough words for today. I'm gonna go to sleep after a quick skim of the brief. Tomorrow's gonna be a longer day because I start work at 7:45 and I don't get back to the dorms until after 4:30. *Raspberry*

I'm so excited to go home this weekend! I can use my own bathroom! And eat with people with whom I share DNA! And lounge around on an actual couch! And sleep in! Ish. Actually, I'm excited for Saturday because I'm going to the Hirono campaign headquarters to help out with phone banking (doesn't that sound so...official?). Sups excited.

Okay bye for now guys and sorry for the short post. Hopefully, the weekend will be better.

Risks: 25 (Freaking taking Econ is defs a risk man. Defs a risk.)
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: A Puppy Named GIGGLES!
Books Read Since Graduation: 6 (Should I count my non-textbookish "textbooks" for class?)


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