Thursday, August 23, 2012

BEDA 23: I've Been Duped?

I was extremely giddy and excited earlier tonight for some inexplicable reason and I felt the need to tell Kendall about it. 

But now I'm tired because I've drank some yummy black tea tonight. Today was tiring because it was a long day in the first place. Tomorrow too just because it's also gonna be a long day but it is gonna be awesome because I'M GOING HOME FOR THE WEEKEND!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Shayne just texted me earlier, asking about my weekend plans, so I was like, "Come home on Friday afternoon. Phone banking at the Hirono headquarters starting at 11am on Saturday. PARTY ON SUNDAY! And by 'party,' I mean 'read.'" She was like, "Wow. You're a pathetic college student." To which I said to myself, "PSSSSSHHHH. She thinks I'm a pathetic college student, but I'm actually the coolest kid in the dorms." Except not really. But yeah. Ok this is getting awkward.

Speaking of awkward. I had a weird encounter with some stranger on my phone today. This morning, I sent a text to Ping and LJ so that we could all meet up for lunch. Then, after Religion, I get a text from LJ saying, "Who is this?" And I was like, "Um, whatt? Did she lose my number or something because I was just texting her a couple of days ago." So I texted back and I was like, "Jen......" and the reply was, "Hi Jen. My name is Brandon. I think you have the wrong number." That's when I got so confused and I realized that I have two numbers for LJ and I wasn't sure which one she was actually using. Clearly, one of them was this Brandon guy's number. Anyway, I didn't really talk to him but he told me that was 26 and that he's on a submarine somewhere out here so I texted, "Okay, that's my cue to exit. Bye, have a good one." And so I ran, but not really because we were texting, so I couldn't really, but I did it in a texting sort of way. But a couple of minutes later he was like, "Okay take it easy then. But if you change your mind, hit me up." And I was just like WTF GAH DELETE DELETE DELETE. GAH. RUN AWAY. I didn't text him back at all lest he think I was interested so I just deleted it and hopefully he won't text again. When I told LJ later on, she was like, "WHAAT?" It might have been her old number according to her.

Ok so yeah that was my creepy adventure today. That and having to walk from Bilger to the dorms after 7pm (so it was pretty dark) because of a Pre-Law Orientation I attended. But that wasn't that bad because I was on the phone and because I had my weapon of choice in one hand as I walked (My umbrella, of course--it was raining all day today!).

Risks: 25 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: A Puppy Named GIGGLES!
Books Read Since Graduation: 6


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