Thursday, August 30, 2012

BEDA 30: Psssshhh Fire Drills.

We're supposed to have a total of two fire drills in the first couple of months of school for our dorm towers--one is announced, the other one not. Tonight was the announced fire drill for our tower. It was at 7:15--conveniently during dinner time. So, of course, tonight was the perfect night to go out and NOT stay in the dorms. If I had stayed, I would have had to walk down 12 flights of stairs. Anyssa's mom took us out to dinner at Waikiki. By the time we got back, Loke and Moki people were done (Yes!) but the 'Ilima people, I heard, have been sitting in the courtyard waiting for the all-clear for the past 45 minutes (Yikes!). I think they wen't back in their tower after 9pm...

Now the problem is we don't know when the next fire drill will be. Let's hope UH is actually nice this time and doesn't schedule it in the middle of the night. Zombies in the staircase, everyone.

BEDA's done tomorrow! I feel like we haven't had a chance to sit down and have a nice chat all month. Well, we never really do, but you know what I mean. It feels like we just started BEDAing. Tomorrow will be the last day of BEDA for the YEAR!

2012 was a good BEDA year for me, guys. First year of legit BEDA, ladies and gentlemen. Kendall, on the other hand, is...still awesome.

Risks: 25 
Hugs: lots
Current food obsessions/cravings: warm milk or hot English Breakfast tea
Playlists on Repeat: THIS, 2805 Miles
Books Read Since Graduation: 6   


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