Monday, August 27, 2012


Hey guys!

Today was a really awesome day for a lot of reasons. It was the first real day of Special Programs, so things were a little cray cray. It was fun though. Mr. Yamamoto added some new stuff into our nut mix creating the best mix ever. Honestly, we could start selling that and become instant millionaires. Except we have to figure out what's in it first...

Also, a little kid complimented my haircut today!!! It was so nice of him!!! I also ate a lot of jelly beans today. Good stuff. And I made the window wall thing more organized. 

After that I went over to UH to have some fun times with da crew. And by da crew, I mean Jen. Then she forcingly dragged me down to dinner with Anyssa, Marina, Lauren, and Ping. It was there, surrounded by people whom I love and are familiar with in a place that was completely new, scary, and unfamiliar, where I realized what college and being away from friends was going to be like. Yes, we are no longer going to be all together as The Mafia. BUT, we are all going out there and finding new and exciting branches of said Mafia all around the world. The first of which I was with tonight. I like to call it: The Mafia 2.0. It's kind of similar to the nomes in the Kane Chronicles series. We have all these different divisions of The Mafia that all have their own adventures, but are still connected by the adventures that they had with each other. And even though we are all out there doing different things now, there's no reason why one branch can't be hanging out with a member of another branch, while face timing with another branch who is video chatting with another. As far and as different as we all become, we will still all be connected, and that makes me feel so much better about saying "goodbye" "See you soon!"

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 35 (Thank you Jen for so generously donating one of your precious meal swipes to me!!!) Nah, it wasn't a meal swipe man, I used points!
Why Today Was Awesome: Too many reasons
Song Stuck in My Head: 


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