Tuesday, August 28, 2012

BEDA 28: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor!

Today was a fun day. I was just about done with work when Anyssa texted me with a desperate plea for help. She was bored because Marina is still sick and resting. So I told her to meet me at Starbucks at Campus Center and we were gonna go on an adventure. Lauren came with us, too. It's been really rainy out here in Manoa for the last couple of days. I won't use Anyssa's foul language to describe the gloominess out here but, just know, it is starting to dampen our spirits. But this is why we decided to go on a spontaneous semi-adventure!

We knew there was a Japanese garden on campus and we knew where it was generally but none of us had ever actually been there. So we went looking for it. It was really beautiful. There was a tea house and a small river with koi. Also, guava trees. So, just like that, we ended up "exploring." We tried to get into the MIX housing. Failed. And the "concierge"/"desk person" was all, "*sigh* Are you guys undergrads? FRESHMEN?!" Then, we learned that there is a special place on campus where a halau gets together to practice. We had to ask the security guard what it was but that was also part of the adventure--talking to people. We hung out with the cats. They were so adorable. Too bad we couldn't pet them lest we acquire rabies or some sort of disease. We visited the POST building which looked more like a hospital.

We were actually just wandering around and planning out our future activities. I can't say much more because part of the adventure is that it's kind of a secret. We wanna do so many things! None of them are outright illegal or anything but enough to be considered adventurous. Anyssa and I both agreed that part of living in UH is making your own adventures because everyone else gets to leave the island. So, yes, we will be making our own adventures.

It was also just Anyssa and me at dinner tonight. After we ate, we really had nothing to do (so much free time!) so we went for a walk around Lower Campus. Again, we staked out possible sites of further exploration and future points of interest regarding our planned adventures. We're gonna start making a list and planning out stuff soon. We probably won't be doing anything for a while though because Rebecca is still a bit MIA (understandable and perfectly okay though). We went down by the lake and saw the ducks and then we found this old but perfectly sturdy set of stairs that can get you from the fields up to the dorms. We both agreed it was the perfect place to shoot a horror movie. And we saw Chad (WIN!). We said hi but he seemed to be in a hurry.

Oh! We found the perfect place for me to re-learn how to ride a bike--Anyssa has two bikes!
And then I came back to my room where Daisy and I have basically been talking for the past two or so hours. 

So THIS is college!

Risks: 25 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: warm milk
Playlists on Repeat: THIS, 2805 Miles
Books Read Since Graduation: 6  


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