Monday, August 6, 2012

BEDA 6: I'm Picking Up the Mess, Love

Today was hectic because Special Programs registration started. Ahhhhh....too many swim classes. All swim classes for the fall were gone by 3am this morning. Seriously. So many phone calls. Mr. Yamamoto wasn't wearing shoes. And he was sitting on the yoga ball, NBD, registering people, answering phones. Yep.

But, compared to how the typical "First Day of Registration" scenario usually is in the SPO, today went REALLY WELL. Less than the normal number of glitches and problems. Yay!

Ok, I actually have to keep this short because I'm working on something right now. A bit of damage control, crisis aversion, and jumping off the diving board type stuff. Off you and I go now, ta ta! BREATHE GUYS.

Also, the book I'm reading now? A bit too THG...which doesn't bode well. Kinda.

Risks: 24
Hugs: 1/2
Current food obsessions/cravings: nothing
Playlists on Repeat: ellipses
Books Read Since Graduation: 5


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