Tuesday, August 7, 2012

BEDA 7: Stradlater from Catcher in the Rye (Updated!)

This counts!

8/8 Add-On: I'm sorry guys. I find it easier to blog when I'm at work, usually, than when I'm at home. And because this week has been so hectic what with all the Special Programs registration, I haven't had the time to do anything but work (and eat...and drink tea) at work. Yeah...sorry, guys.

It's been fun though in a "only in 'Iolani" sort of way--phone calls, mess ups, crises, SCONES, and other foods kind of work-fun.

I will be back later on today for BEDA 8 though to explain the title and to...just write more. Just because Win felt the need to message me about my lack of blogging flair for the past several days. OKAY WIN THIS IS FOR YOUUUU!

Risks: 24
Current food obsessions/cravings: nothing
Playlists on Repeat: ellipses
Books Read Since Graduation: 5


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