Thursday, August 9, 2012

So Sunburnt....

Hey guys!

Today we went to the beach. And I got sunburnt. We all did actually. So much pain...

Anyways, we did that today. Before that, we watched the silly girls soccer gold medal match. Yeah it was cool and all that USA won, but still, it was soccer.

After all that, we met up with Rebecca's uncle again and we got to see his taiko class (I spelt it the other way because Gavin's uncle's dog is named Tyco). It was really cool seeing them all play because they were all really really good, it was kind of cray. After that, we walked up to the temple and got to sign the inside of his new taiko drum, as a kind of time capsule thing. The way it works is that after he seals the other side of the drum, they won't be able to see the inside until it is played so much that it breaks. Which won't be for like over 10 years. Crazy stuff, man.

Okay, enough for now, Gavin wants his computer back.

I'm so sunbrunt....

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 28
Why Today Was Awesome: Engrosing myself in some culture
Song Stuck in My Head: What's going on up there?...


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