Tuesday, August 21, 2012

BEDA 21: Gateway > Hale Aloha Cafe

BUM bum BUM! College girl!

Okay so I'm taking a total of 6 classes this semester, 5 of which are actually on my schedule. The other one, Linguistics, is a Unit Mastery course, which means I have to read the book on my own and just go in to take the tests whenever I'm ready. No formal class meetings, so it's pretty sweet. 

Let's begin with a breakdown of my schedule.

Political Science 190! Media and Politics, oh yeah. The prof is a PhD student here and he seems cool. The first thing he told us was that he took POLS 190 as an undergrad and he HATED it because it SUCKED. And he vowed to never let anyone go through what he went through ever again so BOOM--he's the teacher. I'm excited.

American Studies 212! I dropped this course after I got back to the dorms. It was about America and her relationship with the world, so this was a course about global issues--military, politics, international relations, global economy, etc. I didn't really need it. Plus, part of the reason why I signed up for it was the because I heard the instructor was really good. But I showed up and they switched the instructor on us super last minute. So I replaced it with ECON 131 (Principles of Macroeconomics) which was actually cancelled on Monday (per an email I got from the teacher) so the first official class meeting is tomorrow.

American Studies 150A! I have Shannon in my class. We have the same lecture part of the class but we're in separate Honors sections. But that's ok. The teacher seems really cool. We're taking this for a Foundations requirement--it's basically US History all over again.

Those were my classes on Monday (and also tomorrow and on Fridays).

Now for today's (and Thursday's) classes.

American Studies 211! This is the domestic issue counterpart of the 212 class, so mass incarceration, poverty, immigration, etc. All issues within the US. The prof seems really cool too.

Religion 150! Another Foundations requirement course. It's an intro to the world's major religions. Although everyone has been saying that I should've signed up for Sakashita's class because he's supposedly the funniest Religion teacher ever, I don't regret taking Siegel because he's pretty funny as well. He told us little anecdotes in class that all pertained to his main point in explaining what religion was and how exactly he was going to teach the class. He is a talented storyteller--engaging, entertaining, and captivating.

As for the Linguistics class, I don't know yet because I haven't done anything for that yet.

Ok that's it for now. More details tomorrow. I don't wanna bore you guys. I am gonna go get some sleep because I had a headache earlier today and, plus, I had to wake up early today for work. And I didn't finish work until 4:30! I have a lot of reading to do by Thursday...yikes!

Okay, tootles!

Oh and the post title? There are two cafeterias on campus near our dorms. We tried Gateway for dinner tonight. So much better than the Hale Aloha Cafe.

Risks: 24
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: My roommate is kind of but not really a light sleeper so I haven't been listening to any to go to sleep...
Books Read Since Graduation: 6   


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