Friday, August 17, 2012

BEDA 17: Oh, the Scenarios!

Fun times tonight because of the Buca's dinner. Except for when Tiff cried. Oh Tiff. *ugly and obnoxious sniffle* So much noms! Ahhh!

Ok, today was my last day in the office. We kinda went crazy with the board deco. We replaced the drab bulletin boards and covered them with awesome and colorful paper. We were on a roll guys. Seriously. It's amazing.

Like Kendall said, we also played brain games. Which I should do more often. And continue to do, especially because I don't want dementia.

Okay, sleep time!

Risks: 24
Hugs: I stopped counting...Buca's dinner.
Current food obsessions/cravings: NOTHING
Playlists on Repeat: I Wanna Know, This is What it Feels Like, ALLTHESONGS
Books Read Since Graduation: 6  


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