Thursday, August 2, 2012

BEDA 2: Forever A Loan

First off, the title...have you guys seen that meme? I've been doing prep for registration all day (it's a REALLY slow day in the office...and quiet) and as I was checking for class availability and moving things around in my prospective (and hopefully probable) schedule, I came across this and I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head at the same time. Oh Internet.

Anyway, yes, after weeks of research and moving things around and considering options and other factors, I've finally come up with a schedule that I will be very happy to have this fall. I did lose some classes that I really wanted to take along the way but it's ok, I can always take them in the spring or later. Bottom line, I am excited about the classes I hope to take.

Dog-eat-dog registration is next week Monday and at this point, I only have about two and a half weeks before school starts. I'm definitely feeling the beginnings of crunch time. I feel like there is still so much to do. But I'm not the least bit surprised because this is basically how it's been and how I've felt every August for the past four years.

So this week, is a busy week. I'm hoping next week will be my chill week (after registration, of course) and then I move in the following week. I also start my new job on campus for the year next week Friday.

I guess my greatest fear right now is that once college starts, it won't be as easy as everyone says when they come back to visit 'Iolani. But then again, I fear it because I hope that it isn't true and that's the only reason why I fear it. Makes sense? It does in my head...

Anyway, last night, I went to see a private showing of Singin' in the Rain at Diamond Head Theater. It was hosted by Kirsten's famiyl and it was so good. The show completely sold out a while ago and we were so lucky to get into this free showing. Ahh, all I can say is I felt so happy, carefree and...light...after. Nothing beats a well-done classic.

Tonight is another exciting night because it's the Alumni Weekend Kick-Off Dinner here in school and I'm touring alumni and guests. We get to take them to the press box! Awesomeness. I'm gonna have to change into a dress later on after work but I was thinking of walking the tour route first just so that I can go over the whole thing in my head.

Okay, enough talking/writing, Jen, you're boring people.

Tootles, y'all!

Risks: 24 (I got scared instead of YOLOing...ugh.)
Hugs: 0
Current food cravings/obsessions: Ugh, I'm still full from Tuesday night.
Playlist(s) on repeat: Glen Hansard on Pandora
Books Read Since Graduation: 4


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