Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Won't Give Up On Us

Hey guys!

Today was Taco Night!!!!! I had four tacos. They were delicous. So delicous, that right now, Rebecca is eating another one, despite the excessive amount of tacos and s'mores we just ate.... FULL!!!!

Anyway, today, we went and visited Rebecca's uncle at his house. We were there for like 3 and a half hours. He showed us his cool workshop where he blacksmiths, makes ukueleles, taiko (Kendall misspelled it, he put "tyco"...sorry, I chuckled...) drums, and a bunch of other cool stuff. He even made Rebecca this cool horse horseshoe thing.

He spent the most of the time just talking. Talking about his experiences, his life, and basically everything. As Jen saw with Desmond Tutu, it was so crazy hearing someone with so many experiences speaking. While he had nowhere near of a traumatic life expierence, it's still intresting hearing what people have gone through. It makes you think about what you will talk about in 40 years. What will you have to say by then?

Okay, I'm about halfway done with this trip. I'll be home soon, and things will return to "normalcy." Until then, man...

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 28
Why Today Was Awesome: Listening
Song Stuck in My Head: What's going on up there?...


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