Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hey guys!

So I didn't work today, so it actually kind of felt like a summer day! But, I am "working" tomorrow and then all next week. I'm kind of salty that I have to be in dress code again next week because school starts up again. MEH! Oh well, it's kind of worth it I guess. 

Today, I didn't really do much that was productive, so that was fun. Although, I did just go to the airport to see Kelsey off because she left tonight. And then tomorrow night we are having a dinner where I can hopefully see more people before they leave... 

Oh, and I may or may not be currently obsessed with Teen Wolf... Don't judge me!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 31 
Why Today Was Awesome: Lazy day!
Song Stuck in My Head: 


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