Friday, August 31, 2012

When They Hear You Sing

Hey guys!

Today was probably the weirdest day of work ever. Not 'cause the work stuff was weird, but just 'cause of the environment. Everyone was loose and silly and goofy. It was totes awesome. Good stuff for a final day of BEDA. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to see Rachel for the first time in like two months, which is really exciting. I miss hanging out with friends, seeing as they're all in college now and stuff. But that's alright, I'll be there with them soon. 

Oh, and guess what DOCTOR FREAKING WHO IS ON TOMORROW!!!!! Who's excited? I AM!!!! I mean, c'mon, Pond Life, SO MANY FREAKING FEELS!!!! MOFFATTTTTT!!!

Okay, enough of that. It's time for me to say goodbye again!!! I'll be back next week, I promise! Until then, stay awesome!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 36
Why Today Was Awesome: Pie
Song Stuck in My Head: "See You Differently"


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