Saturday, August 4, 2012

Champions of Light! (Updated, yo!)

Hey guys! 

Today, I got back from orientation, so I am at home and ready to rumble again!!! .... PYSCH! Nope, I leave again tomorrow for the Big Island...

I think the worst part about this whole thing (not that any of it is bad, I'm not complaining in any way) is that you know how before a trip, you're so excited and you start packing and you're thinking everything through and being super methodical? But then, at the end of your trip, you suitcase/bag is a complete mess and you just refuse to care any more so you just throw everything in? Yeah, well I'm in that stage right now.

And, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, IF I wasn't going on another trip tomorrow! Therefore, I have no motivation to begin organizing my things for tomorrow. That's gonna be fun...

Today is going to be the last day for a little while that I'm going to have my computer, so things may be a little ghetto over the next few days... But that's all right! I'm still here in spirit. Okay, I'm off to scrounge for some more food. Until tomorrow!!!

(ADDED 9:16 PM 8/4/12)

I JUST noticed how Jen added in two of my last post how I misused the word "Ghetto." Now, I know what the word actually means. It's a small part of a city or district that's specifically for a certain minority group. These small areas tend to be much less sophisticated or nice as other, more wealthy parts of the city; which is why I used the word the way I did, as a way to describe something that isn't as nice as other things (basically). 

Now, I'm not mad or irritated or anything like that with the fact that she corrected me, it just made me realize how interesting that is. How people use words for completely different meanings or purposes than they were originally supposed to be used for. I mean, probably a decent portion of my common vocabulary would completely throw off the people who originally invented the language so long ago if they heard me speak today. 

But that made me think of John Green, and his belief that a book should belong to its reader, which I completely agree with. If you are an author and you are sharing your book with the world, while you still wrote it, it isn't really your book anymore. Reading a book can be such an intimate experience. And if you open up that opportunity to the public, you are giving them that experience. 

I feel like it's the same with a language. Yes, the way we speak in modern day America is a thousand percent different than what the originally British scholars thought of as "English." And yes, it does feel a tad bit like we are dishonoring what they established, but like everything else in the world, things need to grow and change. The language that we speak is are greatest form of communication. Without it, we would be practically nowhere right now. While we didn't make it, it is our language, and we hold the exclusive right (for now, that is) to do with it as we please. 

(I'd also like to point out that everything I just said DOES NOT apply to grammar, only words and vocabulary! Grammar is a set of rules that NEED TO BE FOLLOWED [even if I struggle in following them myself!]). 

Sorry for that rant, I was going through a bunch of old blog posts and saw how good and deep some of them were (most not by me though). Okay, off to bed forrealsies this time!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 28
Why Today Was Awesome: Pizza Rolls
Song Stuck in My Head: It's been so empty lately!!!


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