Friday, August 31, 2012

BEDA 31: Blue Moons are Lies in All Meanings of the Phrase

I'm kind of dealing with a crisis right now and I just took a break from fixing it to BEDA before I run out of time.

I will be back to explain.

I had this whole outline for BEDA today because it's the last day of BEDA for the year!

This has been fun. I will be back on Tuesday, hopefully, to recap and reflect.

Adios amigos.

Risks: 25 
Hugs: lots
Current food obsessions/cravings: warm milk or hot English Breakfast tea
Playlists on Repeat: THIS, 2805 Miles
Books Read Since Graduation: 6   

When They Hear You Sing

Hey guys!

Today was probably the weirdest day of work ever. Not 'cause the work stuff was weird, but just 'cause of the environment. Everyone was loose and silly and goofy. It was totes awesome. Good stuff for a final day of BEDA. 

Tomorrow, I'm going to see Rachel for the first time in like two months, which is really exciting. I miss hanging out with friends, seeing as they're all in college now and stuff. But that's alright, I'll be there with them soon. 

Oh, and guess what DOCTOR FREAKING WHO IS ON TOMORROW!!!!! Who's excited? I AM!!!! I mean, c'mon, Pond Life, SO MANY FREAKING FEELS!!!! MOFFATTTTTT!!!

Okay, enough of that. It's time for me to say goodbye again!!! I'll be back next week, I promise! Until then, stay awesome!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 36
Why Today Was Awesome: Pie
Song Stuck in My Head: "See You Differently"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vacum Jams

Hey guys!

Today was just another day at work/school/life. Nothing too extraordinary. Except for the fact that it was the first Mochiko Chicken of the year!!! There were kids literally running to the cafe (as they always do). Good stuff man, good stuff.

So yeah, tomorrow is the last day of BEDA. And although I have had a few good rants this month, I feel like I've robbed you guys. Not that it's my fault or anything, but my life isn't going to start getting crazy until next month, and that's what I really want to share with you guys. So lets hope that I keep that thought and continue to blog somewhat often towards the end of September when I finally go to college. 

But no matter what, at least I can say that Jen and I blogged through a quarter of this year! For three months we blogged every single day. That is some feat if you ask me! Now we just need daily blogs all the time!!!! (Not really though...)

Okay, time for bed!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 36
Why Today Was Awesome: Moch Chicken yo!
Song Stuck in My Head: 

BEDA 30: Psssshhh Fire Drills.

We're supposed to have a total of two fire drills in the first couple of months of school for our dorm towers--one is announced, the other one not. Tonight was the announced fire drill for our tower. It was at 7:15--conveniently during dinner time. So, of course, tonight was the perfect night to go out and NOT stay in the dorms. If I had stayed, I would have had to walk down 12 flights of stairs. Anyssa's mom took us out to dinner at Waikiki. By the time we got back, Loke and Moki people were done (Yes!) but the 'Ilima people, I heard, have been sitting in the courtyard waiting for the all-clear for the past 45 minutes (Yikes!). I think they wen't back in their tower after 9pm...

Now the problem is we don't know when the next fire drill will be. Let's hope UH is actually nice this time and doesn't schedule it in the middle of the night. Zombies in the staircase, everyone.

BEDA's done tomorrow! I feel like we haven't had a chance to sit down and have a nice chat all month. Well, we never really do, but you know what I mean. It feels like we just started BEDAing. Tomorrow will be the last day of BEDA for the YEAR!

2012 was a good BEDA year for me, guys. First year of legit BEDA, ladies and gentlemen. Kendall, on the other hand, is...still awesome.

Risks: 25 
Hugs: lots
Current food obsessions/cravings: warm milk or hot English Breakfast tea
Playlists on Repeat: THIS, 2805 Miles
Books Read Since Graduation: 6   

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

BEDA 29: What Even...?

I ate too much at dinner. I'm done with my homework but I'm not sleepy though.

There was a "club fair" at the Campus Center today but I couldn't really go to it because it was during my lunch break (I was eating) and my classes. I knew that it's also tomorrow but now I fear that I missed out on other clubs that were there today because what if the clubs that were there today aren't gonna be there tomorrow?

I wanna do things and get involved. Time, time, time, time, time.

Also, in my classes, I keep coming up with ideas about what to write in my blogs and I end up writing them in my head but I become tired and lazy when it comes to sitting down in front of the computer.


I just feel tired now for some reason. Probably all the food I ate at dinner.

Risks: 25 
Hugs: lots
Current food obsessions/cravings: warm milk
Playlists on Repeat: THIS, 2805 Miles
Books Read Since Graduation: 6   

Everyone Has Been Doing Email

Hey guys!

So today was cool! Jen came and visited and there were more mismatched adventures in the office.

But most importantly, after the creation of our amazing nut mix, it quickly depleted. Therefore, I decided to go out and buy some new nuts!!! So, it was kind of scary. I wasn't too sure what to buy, so I bought a lot. I got a normal, safe nut mix. I got a nut and fruit mix. And then, this is the YOLO, I got pretzel nuggets! PRETZEL NUGGETS!!!! Jen valiantly helped me in this whole arduous process. 

I feel like tomorrow, I'm going to show up at the office, and I'm going to be God. As Barty Crouch, Jr. said it: "I'm going to be welcomed back as hero!" (Minus the sassy Dumbledore response.) 

Yup, that's gonna be me.

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 36
Why Today Was Awesome: Nut Adventures
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

BEDA 28: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor!

Today was a fun day. I was just about done with work when Anyssa texted me with a desperate plea for help. She was bored because Marina is still sick and resting. So I told her to meet me at Starbucks at Campus Center and we were gonna go on an adventure. Lauren came with us, too. It's been really rainy out here in Manoa for the last couple of days. I won't use Anyssa's foul language to describe the gloominess out here but, just know, it is starting to dampen our spirits. But this is why we decided to go on a spontaneous semi-adventure!

We knew there was a Japanese garden on campus and we knew where it was generally but none of us had ever actually been there. So we went looking for it. It was really beautiful. There was a tea house and a small river with koi. Also, guava trees. So, just like that, we ended up "exploring." We tried to get into the MIX housing. Failed. And the "concierge"/"desk person" was all, "*sigh* Are you guys undergrads? FRESHMEN?!" Then, we learned that there is a special place on campus where a halau gets together to practice. We had to ask the security guard what it was but that was also part of the adventure--talking to people. We hung out with the cats. They were so adorable. Too bad we couldn't pet them lest we acquire rabies or some sort of disease. We visited the POST building which looked more like a hospital.

We were actually just wandering around and planning out our future activities. I can't say much more because part of the adventure is that it's kind of a secret. We wanna do so many things! None of them are outright illegal or anything but enough to be considered adventurous. Anyssa and I both agreed that part of living in UH is making your own adventures because everyone else gets to leave the island. So, yes, we will be making our own adventures.

It was also just Anyssa and me at dinner tonight. After we ate, we really had nothing to do (so much free time!) so we went for a walk around Lower Campus. Again, we staked out possible sites of further exploration and future points of interest regarding our planned adventures. We're gonna start making a list and planning out stuff soon. We probably won't be doing anything for a while though because Rebecca is still a bit MIA (understandable and perfectly okay though). We went down by the lake and saw the ducks and then we found this old but perfectly sturdy set of stairs that can get you from the fields up to the dorms. We both agreed it was the perfect place to shoot a horror movie. And we saw Chad (WIN!). We said hi but he seemed to be in a hurry.

Oh! We found the perfect place for me to re-learn how to ride a bike--Anyssa has two bikes!
And then I came back to my room where Daisy and I have basically been talking for the past two or so hours. 

So THIS is college!

Risks: 25 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: warm milk
Playlists on Repeat: THIS, 2805 Miles
Books Read Since Graduation: 6  

Eating All the Bodies

Hey guys!

Today was another day. It was a fun day at the office, I feel like we are just completely weird and outlandish here. I love us though, it's like a party everyday.

Speaking of party, I went to go visit Mr. U today and then I remembered that there was freaking leftover food from Saturday night's dinner!!!!! He left it in the faculty lounge fridge, so I ate that for lunch and everything was good in the world!!!

I also hung out with Song Ha and LJ for a little in the office, LJ because she was waiting for her boy to come and Song Ha was working today. That's something I love about still being at school, I feel like I always know people. I better enjoy that while it lasts. 

Okay, I'm tired. I need da sleep yo. 

Books Read: 10
Why Today Was Awesome: Best Office
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Monday, August 27, 2012


Hey guys!

Today was a really awesome day for a lot of reasons. It was the first real day of Special Programs, so things were a little cray cray. It was fun though. Mr. Yamamoto added some new stuff into our nut mix creating the best mix ever. Honestly, we could start selling that and become instant millionaires. Except we have to figure out what's in it first...

Also, a little kid complimented my haircut today!!! It was so nice of him!!! I also ate a lot of jelly beans today. Good stuff. And I made the window wall thing more organized. 

After that I went over to UH to have some fun times with da crew. And by da crew, I mean Jen. Then she forcingly dragged me down to dinner with Anyssa, Marina, Lauren, and Ping. It was there, surrounded by people whom I love and are familiar with in a place that was completely new, scary, and unfamiliar, where I realized what college and being away from friends was going to be like. Yes, we are no longer going to be all together as The Mafia. BUT, we are all going out there and finding new and exciting branches of said Mafia all around the world. The first of which I was with tonight. I like to call it: The Mafia 2.0. It's kind of similar to the nomes in the Kane Chronicles series. We have all these different divisions of The Mafia that all have their own adventures, but are still connected by the adventures that they had with each other. And even though we are all out there doing different things now, there's no reason why one branch can't be hanging out with a member of another branch, while face timing with another branch who is video chatting with another. As far and as different as we all become, we will still all be connected, and that makes me feel so much better about saying "goodbye" "See you soon!"

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 35 (Thank you Jen for so generously donating one of your precious meal swipes to me!!!) Nah, it wasn't a meal swipe man, I used points!
Why Today Was Awesome: Too many reasons
Song Stuck in My Head: 

BEDA 27: A Whole Lot of Missing

I miss people.

Missing people is just one of those things that we should revel more in. (Forgive the preposition.) Like sadness and solitude. And pain, sometimes, in small doses. Missing people is proof that what once was really mattered and that the people you miss still and always will matter as long as you miss them. Nostalgia demands to be felt, much like pain, because pain, also, is one of those things that prove to you that, yes, it was real, even if it was for just a little bit. And both pain and missing people both remind you that THIS is still just as real as what once was.

So I miss the people who have left. I miss Kirsten to whom I haven't spoken in a while since she left for college last week. I miss Winney who just made her way over to Boston this weekend. I miss Aid who just landed in Boston this morning. I miss Jaime even if we group FaceTimed just a little bit a while ago. I miss Tiare, and Bobbi, and Tiff, who all left on the same day. I miss BChen. I miss Zach. I miss Evan. I miss Siena and Guthrie who are both at Georgetown right now. I miss Max. I miss Dylan. I miss Li'i. I miss Kelsey with a K.

And I miss the people who haven't even left yet. I miss Kendall. I miss Gavin. I miss Kato Fish. 

I even miss the people who are here. I miss Yun Ji Bah (and Micah, of course!) because I don't even see her around campus. I miss Tania whom I haven't seen since LJ's grad party and Rachel whom I haven't seen since Project Grad. 

I miss my mom and dad and Shayne. I miss Josh!

And I miss 'Iolani.

Risks: 25 
Hugs: 1 group hug
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: THIS, 2805 Miles
Books Read Since Graduation: 6 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another Day

Hey guys!

Jen made a good point a little earlier that my posts have been very short as of late. But in my defense, I'm still in the boring summer mode (although still appreciated), while Jen is off in the new, and exciting, chapter of her life mode. I obviously cannot compete. 

However, in these remaining few days of August, I'll do my best to highlight the most exciting parts of my day and lay them out for you all to enjoy.

Except for today... Because I literally did nothing today. And I did it pretty well too. 


Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 34 
Why Today Was Awesome: 
Song Stuck in My Head: 

BEDA 26: Fresh Mutant Apples for Sale!

Back at the dorms again! Time to do homework on a Sunday night.

I thought these habits of procrastinating and freaking out about procrastinating would just disappear now that I've graduated from 'Iolani...but I guess 'Iolani things just never really leave you. They just "irrelevant" the right word? Let me explain. Normally, I would be worried that I did no homework over the weekend because I was too busy "enjoying home." I would be frantically trying to get my act together while dreading the fact that this was going to be one of those TERRIBLE nights of homework cramming and at the same time planning ahead and making sure that I had long homeroom/scholarship/any free period tomorrow to complete whatever I don't finish. See, the same worry is still in my head, though at a much lesser degree. But I also know that there's no need to worry because all I really need to do is read a chapter from American Holocaust. And that can be easily done, my friend, before I sleep and even during breakfast tomorrow and I'll still be fine.

So this is what it feels like to settle into something easier than the life I've had in the past four years. 

Something of interest! I had my smallest class (ever) on Friday. Five people. FIVE. Plus the TA. But, come on, FIVE. That's four and one, combined. Two girls, three guys. One sophomore (the other girl), and four of us freshmen. FIVE. And this is the discussion portion of the class (it's AMST 150A). It's either we're all gonna be best friends or it's going to be incredible awkward the whole semester. We'll see how this plays out. I've already kind of made my reputation in that small group as the girl who doesn't stop talking. Kinda. Just a little. But yeah, that's something to look forward to on Fridays!

Another thing of interest! I was having another panic attack earlier this evening. But I'm okay now. Geez, Jen.

Okay, well, I have to go and read all the pages I mentioned above. Without the unnecessary worrying of course. Who does that nowadays...........................................

Risks: 25 
Hugs: 2
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: A Puppy Named GIGGLES!
Books Read Since Graduation: 6 

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Hey guys!

Today was the leadership class sleepover and it was awesome!!! Because there are two periods for the first time this year, the two classes were combined in the sleepover and it went really well. I really like this group of kids. Along with me, there were Mr. U, Mr. S, Ms. Ishii, and Barnesie. 

It was fun; we had the best game of "Yes, No" I've ever seen, we played a lot of 20 questions (one of which, Barnesie used Ann Frank on me and I didn't get it, it was such a good one!), spending a lot of time with the other "adults" and just interacting with them, watching yet another group of kids go through some of the most fun activities around at 'Iolani, and being a spontaneous Super Manager in helping clean up the football game. 

Overall, it was a really fun, high energy, tiring day that I was glad that I got to be a part of. I'm going to go to bed now 'cause I'm ridicidonk tired. 

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 34 (Awwww yeah!!!!)
Why Today Was Awesome: Leadership!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: 

BEDA 25: Ugh Orihime............................

I walked all the way from a little bit past Iwilei Costco to the Hawaii State Library today. Wow. And I wasn't even tired.

Why? Well after spending almost four hours straight calling registered voters, I decided to call it a day and grab a bite at Costco before catching the bus home. The problem was that I had a tall paper cup of soda in one hand (not to mention a Polish dog and some berry smoothie in my backpack) and being the law-abiding citizen that I try to be, I knew I wouldn't be allowed to board any form of public transportation. So I walked while I sipped on my cup of raspberry brisk iced tea, thinking that I'll just stop at the nearest bus stop once I finish my drink. But I continued walking even after I finished all of my tea. And at that point, I was already well in the middle of Chinatown so I was like, "Ahh, what the heck, keep walking." So I did. I would have walked all the way back to the apartment had my dad and Josh not called to tell me to get on the next bus because they were waiting for me to eat dinner. I couldn't very well keep them away from food so got on the next bus I did. And then we ate dinner. We had Filipino vegetables. I never thought I'd say this, but I really missed vegetables. I mean, ok, yes, they have vegetables in the cafeterias but they roast them. They don't cook vegetables like Filipinos in a gooey and soupy stew. Plus, besides the roasted carrots and peppers, all they really have is boring salad stuff. Which is good, I guess, but I prefer to eat my mom's Filipino veggie stews. Yay for veggies man!

Okay, more about volunteering today. I was phone banking which means I called about 600 registered voters today. Granted, about half of them were not home because they weren't home. Some flat-out refused to talk to me. But I really appreciated the enthusiastic and polite ones. Anyway, it was REALLY fun. But it's the kind of thing that I believe only a Jen would deem fun and worthwhile. I'm excited to get more involved.

Anyway, Kendall's at the Leadership sleepover tonight, I believe! I'm excited to hear about what happened!

Risks: 25 
Hugs: 2
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: A Puppy Named GIGGLES!
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Friday, August 24, 2012

Not the Feels!

Hey guys!

Today was another fun day at work. A bunch of stuff happened that I honestly don't really remember. I did have to give a random tour at one point. It was really short and bleh but I mean, they just wanted to look at the campus a little. 

Tomorrow is the leadership sleepover, so that will be a fun time. I'm tired though so I'm off to bed now I suppose.... BAI!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 32
Why Today Was Awesome: Learning history with Imua
Song Stuck in My Head: 

BEDA 24: Tum Tum Time


I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV with Josh. Ahh, I've missed this. I've missed not having to pay for food. And not having to share a bathroom with people. I can actually look at my laptop and not have to worry about people thinking I'm weird because I'm dying of laughter. Ahh, home. I love home.

Yesterday, I was so happy that I got to eat a lot of food for only fifty cents. I was EXTREMELY HAPPY. I seriously cannot remember the last time I felt like that. But I found out today that it didn't cost fifty was a meal swipe AND fifty cents. I'm so heartbroken now.

Okay, I need to enjoy some home stuff right now. Like a TV. 

Bye guys!


11:06pm Add-On

Someone's drunk at the dorms and she's just spamming our Facebook group page. Um.
(I just needed some sort of medium on which to say that. That is all.)

Risks: 25 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: A Puppy Named GIGGLES!
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Thursday, August 23, 2012

BEDA 23: I've Been Duped?

I was extremely giddy and excited earlier tonight for some inexplicable reason and I felt the need to tell Kendall about it. 

But now I'm tired because I've drank some yummy black tea tonight. Today was tiring because it was a long day in the first place. Tomorrow too just because it's also gonna be a long day but it is gonna be awesome because I'M GOING HOME FOR THE WEEKEND!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Shayne just texted me earlier, asking about my weekend plans, so I was like, "Come home on Friday afternoon. Phone banking at the Hirono headquarters starting at 11am on Saturday. PARTY ON SUNDAY! And by 'party,' I mean 'read.'" She was like, "Wow. You're a pathetic college student." To which I said to myself, "PSSSSSHHHH. She thinks I'm a pathetic college student, but I'm actually the coolest kid in the dorms." Except not really. But yeah. Ok this is getting awkward.

Speaking of awkward. I had a weird encounter with some stranger on my phone today. This morning, I sent a text to Ping and LJ so that we could all meet up for lunch. Then, after Religion, I get a text from LJ saying, "Who is this?" And I was like, "Um, whatt? Did she lose my number or something because I was just texting her a couple of days ago." So I texted back and I was like, "Jen......" and the reply was, "Hi Jen. My name is Brandon. I think you have the wrong number." That's when I got so confused and I realized that I have two numbers for LJ and I wasn't sure which one she was actually using. Clearly, one of them was this Brandon guy's number. Anyway, I didn't really talk to him but he told me that was 26 and that he's on a submarine somewhere out here so I texted, "Okay, that's my cue to exit. Bye, have a good one." And so I ran, but not really because we were texting, so I couldn't really, but I did it in a texting sort of way. But a couple of minutes later he was like, "Okay take it easy then. But if you change your mind, hit me up." And I was just like WTF GAH DELETE DELETE DELETE. GAH. RUN AWAY. I didn't text him back at all lest he think I was interested so I just deleted it and hopefully he won't text again. When I told LJ later on, she was like, "WHAAT?" It might have been her old number according to her.

Ok so yeah that was my creepy adventure today. That and having to walk from Bilger to the dorms after 7pm (so it was pretty dark) because of a Pre-Law Orientation I attended. But that wasn't that bad because I was on the phone and because I had my weapon of choice in one hand as I walked (My umbrella, of course--it was raining all day today!).

Risks: 25 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: A Puppy Named GIGGLES!
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Believe in the Heart of the Food

Hey guys!

Honestly, today was one of my busiest days all summer. It felt like a "normal" day of school, kind of. It was intresting. Well first of all, I was actually doing work at work all day, and there is still a bunch to be done. Silly children, can we please just set up a catapault system that can launch them from class to class? So much easier.

Also, I helped with Leadership Class twice today, to reveal the project to them. It was weird seeing two different classes and how they had such different energies. Crazy stuff. 

Just fun times all around I suppose! Okay, ummm, shoots!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 32
Why Today Was Awesome: Business yo!
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

BEDA 22: You Expect Me to Skim That?

I know I promised more deets here but I can't. I just can't. I just read about 60 pages about the birth and death of so many things: slavery, Jim Crow South, and mass incarceration. And I started at 2ish pm. And now I have to skim a 40-page brief about some US Department of Justice's prisoners. Don't get me wrong, this is pretty interesting stuff. But there are so many words!

That's enough words for today. I'm gonna go to sleep after a quick skim of the brief. Tomorrow's gonna be a longer day because I start work at 7:45 and I don't get back to the dorms until after 4:30. *Raspberry*

I'm so excited to go home this weekend! I can use my own bathroom! And eat with people with whom I share DNA! And lounge around on an actual couch! And sleep in! Ish. Actually, I'm excited for Saturday because I'm going to the Hirono campaign headquarters to help out with phone banking (doesn't that sound so...official?). Sups excited.

Okay bye for now guys and sorry for the short post. Hopefully, the weekend will be better.

Risks: 25 (Freaking taking Econ is defs a risk man. Defs a risk.)
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: A Puppy Named GIGGLES!
Books Read Since Graduation: 6 (Should I count my non-textbookish "textbooks" for class?)


Hey guys!

Not like I just spent my day watching 7 episodes of Teen Wolf or anything.... Well, if I did, at least that means that I'm finally done with it. For now...

Anyway, I felt better today, so that was good. I'm going back to work tomorrow, which is also good, especially since I'm supposed to help with Leadership tomorrow. 

That's basically been my life. I don't really know what to do with myself, I know that things are finally slowing down after the past 8 months of non-stop busy-ness. It's weird. But good I guess, in a way. 

Okay, enough for today... BAI!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 32
Why Today Was Awesome: Strained Eyeballs 
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

BEDA 21: Gateway > Hale Aloha Cafe

BUM bum BUM! College girl!

Okay so I'm taking a total of 6 classes this semester, 5 of which are actually on my schedule. The other one, Linguistics, is a Unit Mastery course, which means I have to read the book on my own and just go in to take the tests whenever I'm ready. No formal class meetings, so it's pretty sweet. 

Let's begin with a breakdown of my schedule.

Political Science 190! Media and Politics, oh yeah. The prof is a PhD student here and he seems cool. The first thing he told us was that he took POLS 190 as an undergrad and he HATED it because it SUCKED. And he vowed to never let anyone go through what he went through ever again so BOOM--he's the teacher. I'm excited.

American Studies 212! I dropped this course after I got back to the dorms. It was about America and her relationship with the world, so this was a course about global issues--military, politics, international relations, global economy, etc. I didn't really need it. Plus, part of the reason why I signed up for it was the because I heard the instructor was really good. But I showed up and they switched the instructor on us super last minute. So I replaced it with ECON 131 (Principles of Macroeconomics) which was actually cancelled on Monday (per an email I got from the teacher) so the first official class meeting is tomorrow.

American Studies 150A! I have Shannon in my class. We have the same lecture part of the class but we're in separate Honors sections. But that's ok. The teacher seems really cool. We're taking this for a Foundations requirement--it's basically US History all over again.

Those were my classes on Monday (and also tomorrow and on Fridays).

Now for today's (and Thursday's) classes.

American Studies 211! This is the domestic issue counterpart of the 212 class, so mass incarceration, poverty, immigration, etc. All issues within the US. The prof seems really cool too.

Religion 150! Another Foundations requirement course. It's an intro to the world's major religions. Although everyone has been saying that I should've signed up for Sakashita's class because he's supposedly the funniest Religion teacher ever, I don't regret taking Siegel because he's pretty funny as well. He told us little anecdotes in class that all pertained to his main point in explaining what religion was and how exactly he was going to teach the class. He is a talented storyteller--engaging, entertaining, and captivating.

As for the Linguistics class, I don't know yet because I haven't done anything for that yet.

Ok that's it for now. More details tomorrow. I don't wanna bore you guys. I am gonna go get some sleep because I had a headache earlier today and, plus, I had to wake up early today for work. And I didn't finish work until 4:30! I have a lot of reading to do by Thursday...yikes!

Okay, tootles!

Oh and the post title? There are two cafeterias on campus near our dorms. We tried Gateway for dinner tonight. So much better than the Hale Aloha Cafe.

Risks: 24
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: none
Playlists on Repeat: My roommate is kind of but not really a light sleeper so I haven't been listening to any to go to sleep...
Books Read Since Graduation: 6   

I Remember Every Sunset

Hey guys!

Today, I spent the day attempting to ward off the evil tiny chickens that have so conveniently decided to find refuge in my mind... Freaking tiny chickens.

The only productive thing I actually did today was watch four more episodes of Teen Wolf.... I need sleep...

Books Read: 10

Free Meals: 32
Why Today Was Awesome: War on the Tiny Chickens
Song Stuck in My Head: "Summer Paradise" by Simple Plan

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's Not Goodbye!

Hey guys, 

I was THIS close to forgetting to post tonight... But alas, I'm here! 

I just read Jen's post from yesterday and I really really really liked it. So much truth in one internet post. Today was the first day of school at 'Iolani and it was weird being there when I wasn't really supposed to be there. It's like I am home, in every way that Jen described it, but in a month, I won't be. As glad as I am to still have all this time on my hands, I feel as if I am prolonging the inevitable departure from "home." It feels like I'm reliving the past, only to have it torn from me so much harsher soon. 

But it's alright. Why? Well, because (in every cheesy way possible) I'm going out to find my new "home" and hopefully it will be just as great, or even greater. As Gavin so beautifully sang the other night, "Make new friends, but keep the old. Some are silver and the others gold".....

Oh god, this is getting cheesy up and down the ying yang. But that's alright! Things that are so cliché and overused are that way because they're true!


That is all.

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 32 (MOCH CHICKEN TOO!!!)
Why Today Was Awesome: Home?
Song Stuck in My Head: 

BEDA 20: Wait, What?

Today was my first day of college. I don't know what to say yet. I'm in a place (not physically) where I'm not really sure what to think at this point. I already made a change to my schedule after the first day, so.......I kinda don't know what I'm getting myself into. Ahh. Sorry, my brain is all cluttered and stuff. I don't really know anything. Anything.

Gah. Ok, I guess it's because it's too early in the week, so I'm just gonna head on off for now. Ish. I guess. Ugh, I don't like not being able to think straight like this. Ok I'm gonna go before I say anything dumb. 

Yeahhhh. It still feels like I have senioritis. Which sucks.

9:18pm ADD-ON!

I feel better. I think our adventures in Mokihana helped (more on that tomorrow, hopefully). I will be back tomorrow after I have all of my classes to recap!

I have to go to sleep early because I work at 7:45 tomorrow. Yikes!

See y'all! (Not really though because this is the Internet...)

Risks: 24
Hugs: 8
Current food obsessions/cravings: fruit thins
Playlists on Repeat: I Wanna Know, This is What it Feels Like, ALLTHESONGS
Books Read Since Graduation: 6  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

BEDA 19: Home


Yesterday marked the final time that JAWs would be together until winter break brings Winney and Aid home again.

I rode the bus from the apartment to the dorms early in the morning, ready to tackle the task of decorating the bulletin board in my room. I was in the middle of planning when Aid's dad dropped her (and a box full of books) off here at my dorm. After an hour or so of decorating, talking, and touring, Aid and I walked down to Da Kitchen to have a Hawaiian style lunch with Winney. We could feel the heat rising from the pavement, warming the already humid air, so we all welcomed the cool air-conditioning indoors. We feasted on musubi, shared a huge plate of butterfish and pork laulau and attempted to finish off the "Notorious B.I.G." Loco Moco but ultimately could not go on in the end.

After, we headed off to Winney's house for a quick stop and then proceeded to walk up the hill toward UH so that I could show them where I'm going to be living for the next school year. I showed them the lobby, my room, the bathrooms/showers, laundry room, and the kitchen. We spent quite a bit of time on the roof. We were walking around for a while up there (Win and Aid were taking pictures of the view) until we all decided to stop to figure out where 'Iolani stands relative to where we were. It took a while to find the Court Plaza and the Royal 'Iolani but we did. We stood there, looking out toward where our high school selves had thrived all the while standing on the very campus (in Win's and Aid's cases, it's more figurative) that will hopefully help me continue to grow in the next four years.

It was what Win and Aid both said at this point that brings me to this post's topic. As we all enjoyed and took in the view in silence, Winney said, "Guys, it's like home," to which Aid responded, "This is home." 

So we stood there, our heads defiant against the tradewinds, silent in a friendship that was formed around Physics class and extreme temperatures.

And I got to thinking about home--the intangible and proverbial Home, not the physical roofs above our heads.

Some say that home wherever family and other loved ones are. Home to others is a person, not a place. But I think home can be a million different things to one person. 

Home is the surprising lack of outward panic when you accidentally (and idiotically) lock yourself out. Home is having someone who'll take textbooks off your hands (and your mind). Home is a Jane Austenish Rose Waltz dorm room, or at least an attempt at one. It is the classic spaghetti-strap-top-with-slippers-and-denim-shorts combo that is perfect for hot and humid summer lunch dates. Home is the feel of tradewinds on the sweaty and sticky skin of someone who unknowingly walked a longer distance than necessary. Home is never realizing that you could ever have such strong feelings for a spam musubi until you bite into a deep fried one. It is the awed silence that follows the first glorious bite of pork laulau that literally melts in your mouth and the satisfied and heavy one that accompanies a full belly and sleepy after-meal eyes.

Home can take the form of many things. And we constantly create these forms ourselves, day after day. Today, I realized that home is also the "Good Morning" rainbow waiting right outside your dorm room's picture window--the first thing you happen to see when you open your eyes in the morning, bleary-eyed and with a sore back from sleeping in an unfamiliar mattress.

And I'm so glad to be here. It's been tough getting used to the fact that I'm staying here in Hawaii for college. But I can finally say, without the slightest hint of reluctance or irritation, that I am staying home for college.

Tomorrow is going to be very different, but I don't really know what to expect so it will be what it will be. "One class at a time," first. Then, "one day at a time," then "one week at a time." And then before I know it, "one month at a time" will turn into "one year at a time."

And college will go by maybe twice as quick as high school did. 

There's nothing like the feeling that you get when you come back home from a long trip. But in this case, I've been home all along. I just didn't appreciate it much.

Risks: 24
Hugs: 8
Current food obsessions/cravings: fruit thins
Playlists on Repeat: I Wanna Know, This is What it Feels Like, ALLTHESONGS
Books Read Since Graduation: 6   

All the Noms

Hey guys!

Today was another lazy day, seeing as it was Sunday and allsies... Yeah, I basically did nothing all day (kind of...). 

Although tonight, we went out to dinner, and it was so good. I got a chicken picatta and it was so nom. So full now.... So full...

Anyway, Jen starts class tomorrow, so wish her luck/have fun/wear slightly acceptable clothes to class/eat all the Red Vines! 

Okay, shoooots!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 31 
Why Today Was Awesome: Noms
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Battle Scars

Hey guys!!!

I hope that Jen is having a fun time at da dorms! Exciting stuff man, exciting stuff.....

Anyways, today, we went to the Discovery Center. You know, like the place for little kids.... Four (practically) 18 year olds in a place for little kids. It was fun! Then we ate at Costco..... WHAT IS WITH MY LIFE?!?!?

Then I came home and my parents and I watched The Hunger Games. But then, I went on a random night time adventure with my neighbor/friend and her friends and it was really weird because I one of them was basically the same person as this one kid Nikolai..... Crazy things.... 

Yup, that's my life. Off to watch some Teen Wolf!

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 31 
Why Today Was Awesome: Being 5 years old...
Song Stuck in My Head: "Introducing Me" 


I'm typing this blog from my dorm room. I'm spending the night! Yeps. 

Okay, so we don't have Wi-Fi here at the dorms so we have to use these ethernet cables. But mine doesn't work for some reason. We figured it out that the cable is the problem, not my computer, not the data plug-thing. So this is Daisy's (my roomate), I'm just borrowing. So that means this is short! 

I will be back tomorrow with a working cable and a post about HOME!

Risks: 24
Hugs: 8
Current food obsessions/cravings: fruit thins
Playlists on Repeat: I Wanna Know, This is What it Feels Like, ALLTHESONGS
Books Read Since Graduation: 6  

Friday, August 17, 2012

BEDA 17: Oh, the Scenarios!

Fun times tonight because of the Buca's dinner. Except for when Tiff cried. Oh Tiff. *ugly and obnoxious sniffle* So much noms! Ahhh!

Ok, today was my last day in the office. We kinda went crazy with the board deco. We replaced the drab bulletin boards and covered them with awesome and colorful paper. We were on a roll guys. Seriously. It's amazing.

Like Kendall said, we also played brain games. Which I should do more often. And continue to do, especially because I don't want dementia.

Okay, sleep time!

Risks: 24
Hugs: I stopped counting...Buca's dinner.
Current food obsessions/cravings: NOTHING
Playlists on Repeat: I Wanna Know, This is What it Feels Like, ALLTHESONGS
Books Read Since Graduation: 6