Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 1: This Month Will BEDA(pril) Bomb (Get it?)


To kick off BEDA, here are some celebratory interrobangs. I just learned how to type an interrobang on Word (IT IS AWESOME) and I am ready to abuse it here. Brace yourselves, my friends: 


(They look so dreamy: a whole line of actual real-life interrobangs, guys. I can't contain my excitement!)

For the past years that we've been doing BEDA, I have never officially completed it 100%. And every year, I say, "This is it. This is the year." But no, I always end up failing. 
NOT THIS YEAR I'M NOT. I can feel it, guys. This will be the year I actually complete BEDA. WATCH ME SUCCEED!!!!

Bloop. Okay, what to talk about in this very first BEDA post of the year? (Well, we've already had a whole line of actual real-life interrobangs. I don't know how it can get any better than that...but I will try...)

Today, Rachel and I competed in a Moot Court competition hosted by LMU. We had been working on this for the past several weeks now and it was pretty nerve-wracking because its format is basically a grand cross-ex between you and the judges. Pretty scary stuff. We came out second place, but all in all, we think we did a good job because our goal was to not embarrass our coach and we definitely did not. Going into it, Rachel and I were first very excited to be working with each other again because I really do miss debating with her. But as the competition day drew nearer and stress levels increased as we also began preparing for HSL States (in TWO WEEKS!), we really just wanted to get this competition over with. We just wanted do our best and we both agreed that we would not be disappointed if we didn't win. We came to terms with the end of our partnership earlier this year mostly because we had ended on a very high note at Nationals last season. And going into this tournament, we were like, "Ope, if we lose, we're ending our partnership on a bad note..." But when it came time to compete, though, I actually enjoyed it and we definitely fought hard! We tried our best, our coach was happy, we impressed people, and we felt good about being partners again so that's all that matters. Now, ON TO STATES!

Okay, I have to go back to homework (yep, at midnight...). I will see you on Monday, April 2, because I swear, I WILL COMPLETE BEDA 100% THIS YEAR.

I leave you with another line of interrobangs. How can I resist?


Risks taken: 17
Hugs:  2
Current food cravings/obsessions: I actually kind of have a stomachache so...
Playlist(s) on Repeat: Not a playlist, just one song over and over again...KISS THE GIRL BY CHAMELEON CIRCUIT...If I could choose the man I want to be with the rest of my life solely based on his voice, I would hands-down pick Liam Dryden. I mean, he has only about 20 seconds to himself in the whole song, but those are the best parts...


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