Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 3: It Makes Sense in My Head

I watched John's Thoughts from Places video in Amsterdam in which he visits places significant to The Fault in Our Stars and, also, discusses the fact that Hazel is right and wrong at the same time. Hazel incorrectly claims that the infinity between 0 and 1 is less than the infinity between 0 and 2 but it, apparently, it is not. However, she is still correct in saying that some infinities are greater than other infinities.

Metaphorical resonances are very much the same--you can be both wrong and correct at the same time. Like Kendall said, I put lots of stock in the hidden meanings that I unearth in my life--probably much more than I really should. I tend to read too much into what people say or do and overanalyze situations. I definitely don't let the metaphors control my life, but I definitely believe they exist. Realizing that your very own life contains irony and foreshadowing has a certain glimmer to it that I can't resist. But nothing goes around the fact that I am, more often than not, wrong about my interpretations.

Of course, this is a recipe for disaster because, as a result, I often find myself painting slightly different pictures of people in my head and soon, my expectations become my version of their reality. I also, then, find myself feeling disappointed when I vastly overestimate a person's intentions or misunderstand the motives behind a person's words or actions.

But at the same time, I don't think I would ever trade this passion for and innate knack to pick out the moments in my life that have symbolism, extended metaphors, etc. Being wrong doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not right. I know, it sounds dumb and weird, but I believe that living  is finding some sort of significant meaning in living, and if my meanings come in the form of these awesomely literature-like moments, waiting (or not waiting) to be analyzed, then I can only wish for many more because in the end, it will not matter if I get them right or wrong because.

Risks taken: 17
Hugs:  1
Current food cravings/obsessions: water...and marshmallows
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "Like an N, But Not Really" (and Merzbow stuffs)


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