Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 7: Tiredness

I was gonna type this a day in advance because I wasn't sure what time I'd be home from the dance on Saturday when I realized that right now it's technically already Saturday. Whoo. I've been working for the past several hours straight and I'm pooped so I think I'll turn in before it's 3am. Yikes.

My brain is all mushy now because of all the working so sleep will do me some good. This post is still meaningful in a way though because it's a sign of commitment and dedication even if only for several hours. Right? Right.  

Risks taken: 18 (I realized today that this number has been 17 for a while now when I actually took a prom-related risk a couple of weeks ago...I just forgot to change it)
Hugs:  0
Current food cravings/obsessions: apples and peanut butter...and water
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "Like an N, But Not Really"


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