Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Can See It In Your Eyes

So today, due to certain circumstances (i.e. me being tired and lazy) I present to you some of my awful writing!!! This is a short story that I wrote last week for my Advanced Creative Writing class. I really like the idea of it, but it's still the first draft so it's sups messy. It was very different writing it because it is much more "adult" than anything else that I have written before, so it was fun! Have fun???? :D


        The morning light found its way through the window and onto my face, practically blinding me awake from my sleep. There was something off about this light, the sun was in an awkward position: not quite rising, but still not overhead either. It left the air with a certain tint, it almost felt unreal.
        I tossed around for a few minutes until I noticed a sleek black dress on the floor. Oh yeah, I thought. I had brought home a friend last night. I got up and searched my floor for the shirt and shorts that smelled the least, and reluctantly threw them on.
        I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room to find the strange girl, who I had brought home the night before, sitting on the couch, wearing only one of my white dress shirts. She didn't look the same as last night, she looked much more innocent. Damn beer goggles, I thought.
        I approached the girl, ready to give her my usual line, when I noticed something in her hand. At first, it seemed like a turquoise ball, about the size of a tennis ball. But the more I stared at it, the more mystical it looked. It wasn't a ball, but more like a crystal orb. It almost looked as if there was something inside the orb, like a spirit swimming around.
        "Where did you get that?" I asked. She looked up from the orb and said, "It's yours."
        "No it's not. I've never seen that before in my life. Where the hell did you find that?"
        "I was going through your closet to find a shirt, when this rolled out from under your dresser."
        I stared her down. She sounded so calm and unworried, completely different than last night. Oh God, I thought, What's her name?
        "Can I see it?" I asked with an arm out stretched. She immediately jumped up, as if I just pulled out a gun. But then she realized what I was asking and slowly held her hand out. I grabbed the orb and immediately felt a wave of relief and tranquility pass over me. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, the whole world was gone, and all that was left was this moment.
I stared into the orb for what I hoped was forever, mesmerized by the greenish-blue contents that circled around and around. Then suddenly, there was a knock at the door and the girl grabbed the orb from me. A feeling of reality surged over me. I shook off the strange feeling that the orb had brought and headed over to the door.
        I looked through the peep hole to find what looked like a homeless man. He was wearing big, tattered clothes, all the color of dirt and grime, he had a giant beard that reached half-way down his torso, and his hair made it look like he was just electrecuted. The man banged on the door again, so I finally opened up a little, leaving the chain on the door, and looked through the crack.
        "Can I help you?" I asked.
        "Where is it?" He said with a deep and raspy voice.
        "Where is what?" He couldn't be talking about the orb could he?
        "You know goddamn well what I'm talking about. And if you don't give it to me in the next hour, your little girlfriend is gonna find her guts splattered on the wall. You have one hour." He then pulled the door shut and I could hear his off-beat footsteps trudge down the hall.
        I ran back the living room and looked at the girl, "Let's go."
        "Right now, we're leaving. Bring the orb with you, but here," I pulled out a bag of marbles from my dresser, and dumped the contents on the floor. I walked over to her and held the bag open for the orb. She looked at me, then the bag, then the orb. Closing her eyes, she held the orb out, and let go into the bag. She slouched down and let out a sigh of relief, she must have felt the same as I did when I let go of it. I pulled the bag close with the draw strings and put it into a backpack with some water, rope, clothes, some snacks, a first aid kit, and my cell phone charger. The girl had run back into my room and started to put on the dress that she was wearing the night before.
        "No," I said, pulling out some old jeans and a t-shirt from an old girl friend, "wear this." She grabbed the clothes with a smile and we were ready to leave in two minutes. With all of our things packed, I put on the backpack, and I could feel the orb resting on my back. My mind kept wavering and thinking about things that didn't matter, but I had to work past that. We got to the door when the girl finally said, "Where are we going?" I turned around and looked into her hazel eyes, she did look different from last night, but now she looked better.
        "On an adventure," I said. The light in my apartment had finally stabilized. The sun had reached a sensible position and everything almost felt normal once again. I held my arm outstretched to the girl and said, "I'm Grant, by the way."
        She grabbed my hand and said, "Keri". We smiled at one another then, turned towards the door, and ran down the hall, not knowing what would come next.


Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: Straw Glasses???
Song Stuck in My Head: 


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