Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Existence Has No Meaning

I want to die. I want to cry. I want to cry and die at the same time. 

So, I was coming home from fair with my parents, you know, just chillin', having a good time and reflecting on the day's events. That's when I realized that I needed to blog still, but I knew that I wouldn't be home before midnight, so I whipped out my phone to write something up. I turned it on, and guess what I saw..... IT WAS FREAKING 12:01!!!!! ONE MINUTE LATE!!!! FREAKING ONE MINUTE!!!!!

My life is over.

Regardless though, I will post now about today [yesterday], and then I will post again later tomorrow [Sunday]...

So Saturday, I came to the fair a little bit late. In the time that I was there to do whatevs, I got some amazing corn, got a battle scar down the slide, took another amazingly attractive picture, got a hug, and drank an Italian soda. 

After that, I had my shift has a food runner. It was a four and a half hour shift, and what I was supposed to do was take food from the big storage freezers and drive them in a golf cart to the food booths. I did this, kind of, for the first hour or so, but it was kind of slow. That was 'cause pretty much all the food was gone already. So, me, Kelsey, and Cadie, went to go hang out with the other food people in the cafeteria. They had a really cool job. There was like a billion of them, and they would get calls on the walkie talkie from the food booths, and then they would go deliver whatever they needed (like rice, or napkins, or waters, or whatever). It was really cool. Something that I thought was really cool was that this one girl, Lauren, who graduated last year, came back just this weekend to help out for the fair. Awesome! Anyways, I helped out there for a while and then towards the end I helped to clean up. A really fun part of it was hanging out with Ayami. She was one of the people helping in the cafeteria, and it really helped to emphasize in my mind how amazing Awesome Ayami is. 

Okay, well, I'm going to go cry my shame away. Bye guys....

Books Read: 7 
Why Today [yesterday] Was Awesome: The golf cart that I was driving went really fast....
Song Stuck in My Head: My head has been kind of void of repetitiousness lately...


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