Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 19: Slipper Emergencies

I thought about something today: After states, people kept telling me that a good thing is coming my way because I didn’t make it to Nationals. What if the “good thing coming my way” is me getting my braces off? I mean, it’s great, but when people told me of these “good things,” I was thinking more like winning tons and tons of money or maybe getting 5s on all my APs… 

Oh well, if The Good Thing is not getting my braces off, then what’s next will be awesome because it will still be a surprise. If The Good Thing is getting my braces off, then STILL AWESOME!

I’m so stoked for Family Fair tomorrow. This is the first year I actually get to go to the fair FOR REALZIES because in previous years, States has always been the same weekend as the fair and so I could only go for, like, an hour and a half on Fair Friday to grab some lunch before jetting off to debate. But States is over and Family Fair is here! Time for games and food and music and fun all around. There will be gigantic bouncy balls, fluffy stuffed animals, henna tattoos, amazing cookies, shave ice, concerts, movies, talent shows, and a whole lot of people. I’m especially excited for the chicken gumbo. And the Korean wraps sound intriguing. Erin told me it’s like a Korean taco…interesting… 

I think I’m gonna have to do my posts this weekend in advance. Just in case…so much to do this weekend...but we have Monday off! Just 'Iolani. 'Cause we're awesome. 

Nah, we just have a day off 'cause it's Headmaster's Holiday!

Risks: 18
Hugs: 6
Current food cravings/obsessions: GUMBO GUMBO GUMBO
Playlist(s) on repeat: “Awkwardly Celebratory for No Good Reason (But You Don’t Need One)”


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