Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 24: Nonexistent Crushes

Today was surprisingly not bad. After a weekend full of fair fun and lethargy, I mean, I had to brace myself for an awful Tuesday albeit it was the first day of our shortened week. But it was not bad. It was actually kinda...uh...good? Kinda. (Like, really on the kinda-side.)

School was filled with...stuff. I had to miss Gov for a college presentation so now I'm working on the test that I missed today in class. We had States debriefing after school. I went to that dinner ceremony thing with Mrs. M and my dad and the food there was delicious.

Earlier today, I realized that I only have 15 MORE SCHOOL DAYS LEFT. I. Can't. Even. Even. Anymore. Nope. Just. No.

I feel all giddy and light and a bit high (not drug-high, just life-high) so I'm kind of disoriented and confused and incapable of forming coherent thoughts. So, yeah, back to Gov multiple guessing. I guess. Haha, get it? Just...yeah. Life's good right now. Life's pretty good. STOP THINKING THAT I AM NOT SOBER BECAUSE I AM. Okay, bye now.

Risks: 18
Hugs: 3
Current food cravings/obsessions: water...
Playlist(s) on repeat: "A Roller Coaster that Only Goes Up, My Friend: High on Life"

P.S. Today's posts are really random.............................


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