Saturday, April 14, 2012

Matching Set of Marching Drums

I definitely did NOT almost forget to post. Especially when I was supposed to post Jen's too......

Anyways, I spent the day being Rachel's model for her Concentrated Study project. It basically consisted of me smearing sand and dirt all over my face and looking like a model. Check.

Since then, I've been sitting at home, literally freaking out on the inside about Jen. I'm so nervous for her!!!! (Small Spoiler Alert and I'm sorry for spoiling it, Jen!) Jen made it to the final round, which means that it's her and 4 other people in her speech event for States. The top two go to Nationals. I know that she can make it and I really believe that she did!!! But still, I'm so scared for her right now. But this will be awkward if she reads this and she didn't make it, so if that's the case, then, you know what, that's okay! This was your last opportunity, but that's alright! You did try your best, and even if you didn't make it in the end, it was definitely worth it, right? 

Okay, I am off to post her post and then wait anxiously for her to text me. TTFN!

Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: A Slice of Cheese
Song Stuck in My Head: "Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Meet)" by Panic! at the Disco


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