And then there were games: shooting colored balls with corks, hitting floating balls with smaller balls, using a hammer to launch a rubber frog on a lily pad pond, bouncing ping pong balls on lily pad bowls, etc. And then there were the shows: dancers, music bands, Jordan Segundo, stage bands, rock bands, solos, etc. And then there was a lot of working at the Info Booth (best booth ever), Craft Corner, and the Xtreme bounce houses. And even more fun things to do: henna tattoos, balloons, rides, etc.
The feeling I have now is the epitome of being on a roller coaster that only goes up. I can't believe that people have been having this kind of "high on life" feeling for years and I only got to experiences it fully this year--my last Family Fair as a student, too! I will most definitely be back working and taking advantage of all the fun, food, and games next year. As an alumni (baby)!
Risks: 18
Hugs: I'm not sure what the total is this entire weekend but, come on, TWO of them were just.......asfkdapoisdfuaskjdfnakjsdfh.
Current food cravings/obsessions: EVERYTHING
Playlist(s) on repeat: "Sunny Days on End"
P.S. What if Kendall doesn't post tonight....he finishes his shift as a coolio food-runner/cart-driver at 11:30, I think, and he still has to get home so..................
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