Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 25: I Have Trouble Focusing in Class

Hola y'all! This is gonna be a quick one.

I am having trouble focusing on my classes. How is it possible that people are actually listening in class when the sun is shining outside and the sky looks amazing and the green is all beautiful and dreamy and...I have lost my ability to focus in class. I must regain it! I feel like I'm just floating or passing through. To some degree, I think that could be a calming and soothing thing but, in excess, it is quite dangerous for a second semester senior what with AP exams looming around the corner. 

Okay, I have to make sure I focus. And if it means blogging for only a couple of minutes in school, then so be it. That would leave lots of reading and studying time at home. I don't call it homework anymore because, really, all I have to do now is review and study and read. Gone are the paper-slash-worksheet-homework. So this is what it feels like to prep for five AP exams. Oh boys.

We're going to learn how to cook non-rice foods in a rice cooker today in 4 the Good. So, basically, we're going to defy all laws of normality and venture deep into the worlds of awesome (as is always true when dealing with food, of course).

I just finished Envelope #8! Kinda. I still have to take a picture of my nerdfighter notes (well, one of them), post it on Tumblr and then kinda blog about it on there. Oh, and just as important, I have to eat something while I do it. Challenging? I think not. But amazing.

Well, I'm off to ask Jungle Bob to tell me a story.

Risks: 18
Hugs: 4
Current food cravings/obsessions: mac and cheese (which is what we will cook in the rice cooker)
Playlist(s) on repeat: "A Roller Coaster that Only Goes Up, My Friend: High on Life"


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