Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 9: Bits and Pieces

Seeing as Kendall has chosen to sleep, I feel the need to make up for his lack of blogginess. (Let me just get my ear buds so I can listen to some music while I try to come up with something...)

I have a lot of anger right now because I just spent an hour and a half reading my Gov textbook. I don't like reading my Gov textbook for long periods of time. It makes me angry. Obviously.

While I was showering earlier this evening, I was trying to come up with a better structure/flow for my "mini senior speech" on Wednesday. We're doing a Senior Spotlight the day before the first day of States. I just kinda came up with the ending. Like everything else, it will be done.

I made truffles last night for the teachers who wrote my letters of recommendation! Dark chocolate ganache covered with powdered sugar. It's actually really easy--the basic recipe is just hot heavy cream and semi-sweet chocolate (ratio of 1 cup to 1 pound). At least that's what I've been telling people whenever they asked me today but, actually, I also added a bit of black coffee (this brings out all of the cacao-ey flavors of the chocolate) and vanilla extract in the the chocolate mixture before putting the bowl in the fridge. I still have a hard time making it into perfect balls despite the fact that I use a melon baller. Oh well, practice makes perfect, I guess.

It's Kendall's birthday week! I have worn blue (his favorite color) throughout his birthday weeks for the past two years now, I believe, but I can't this year (aww sadness!) because we're staying in town and I only have a portion of my wardrobe with me. Only three "in dress code" tops are blue...but his second favorite color is green and I have two of those so it all works out! Blue today, green tomorrow, blue on Wednesday again (his actual birthday), green on Thursday, and then blue on Friday! Yes. He's fine with it. It's the thought that counts.

We learned self-defense in 4 the Good class today. I tried to gouge out Kendall's eyes for practice but he wouldn't let me. What a killjoy. (Haha...) Anyway, I was kinda really proud of myself for learning all the "moves" and secret tips. Almost to the point where I wanted some random person to attack me out of nowhere just so that I could make use of the awesome moves. Almost.

(Okay, Kendall's thing about the cross-section of a toothpaste tube was too intriguing to ignore. As I was typing above, I kept ignoring the nagging feeling that I had to Google it and I finally just gave up. I just Google Image-d it and OMG it is pretty freaking cool. Look!)

That's it for today. Sorry I wasn't very profound about anything. Like, Kendall I am also in need of sleep. And love. But mostly sleep. But I still have stuff to do so...sorry, Sleep, you're in the backseat tonight. Again. Sorry. I still love you. Kay bye thanks.

Risks taken: 18
Hugs: 2
Current food cravings/obsessions: chicken
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "Sunny Days on End"


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