Saturday, April 7, 2012


Hey!!! Happy Early Easter!!!!

Today, my life basically consisted of the celebration of Easter. One day early. We painted eggs. (Mine were freaking amazing, I must say. I really should look into a profession based off of egg decorations. Like, really.) See the picture below. I bet you can tell which ones are mine. 

Then, after that, I put my effort into creating bunnies, out of folded napkins. Napkin origami. Napgami. Orikin. Naporikingami. NAPORIKINGAMI!!! Again, I don't mean to brag or anything, buy I'm 99.989% sure that you will be (100*.999999999999999999999...)% impressed. 

Impressed? Yeah. I thought so. 

Books Read: 6
Why Today Was Awesome: Bunnies!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Mockingjay" by The Tributes


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