Wednesday, April 18, 2012



So, the Variety Show was today, which is basically a talent show that isn't judged. It was awesome though. There were a lot of great acts and really fun performances!!! I was the MC for the show, so basically, I got to embarrass myself in front of the entire school! Nah, but really, it was cool. I was saying how I wasn't actually even really nervous, which is CRAY because I get nervous about EVERYTHING! (Like, we'll be going around the class introducing ourself and saying one interesting fact about you and I am freaking out in my mind and practically shaking because I need to perfect what I am going to say but it's gonna be embarrassing and all 10 people in the class are gonna laugh at me and hate me forever!).....

Also, I was classy today!!! (Not a Mormon!!!!)

So basically, that's my life. 'Nuff said.

Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: Show of Variety!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Rhythm of Love"


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