Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 20: Lucky to Be Loved

I am a very lucky girl in the world because I am loved. Not everyone in the world gets to experience the love of parents, relatives, friends, etc. It’s quite saddening, but it just makes the fact that you and I are loved all the more special. Think about it: so many people in the world love you and care about you and want only the best for you. 

Yesterday, Kirsten gave me a box of Samoas when we got back from Ala Wai. She had to go to the special Girl Scout Hale just to get it because she ran out of Samoas. (Yeps, I said “HALE.” They don’t call it “headquarters”--like the Boy Scouts probably do--because they are awesome.) Not only are Samoas my favorite Girl Scout cookies because of their chocolate and coconutty goodness, but also their box is purple. SO. ME. RIGHT? Kirsten always feeds me when I’m sad in order to remind me just how loved I am no matter what. Last year, she gave me a box of See’s Candies Lollipops after…stuff…happened. This time, my States results brought on the need for her to drive over to the special hale which, I hear, is very far away from her house, in order to get me my favorite Girl Scout cookies. I tease her about this by calling them “Pity Lollipops” and “Pity Cookies” but she always defends herself by saying that they are symbols of how she commiserates with me. I love how she is SO COMPASSIONATE. She’s one of those people who starts crying because she knows her friend is hurting. There is also no movie during which Kirsten has not cried. We’re still looking for a movie that has not made her cry. 

I am truly thankful to have people like her in my life who are always so supportive and caring of me. Speaking of supportive and caring, I don’t think I mentioned this but, last Friday, the day before Speech States, Kendall left two dark chocolate bars inside my purse along with a picture of Norman Rockwell’s painting called “High Dive,” the main inspiration of and the unifying thread of my risk-taking speech with a “good luck” message. Talk about awesome best friends. 

I am so thankful to be surrounded by so much love, especially in times of trial!

Current food cravings/obsessions:
Playlist(s) on repeat: 


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