Sunday, April 15, 2012

I Don't Need No Superpowers


Today, I finally went to one of my friend, Daniel's, performances. He plays the cello and he is amazing. It was the Hawaii Youth Symphony and they were really good! It was surprising how many people that in it, that I knew. 

That's pretty much all I did today. There was not much else, even though I've been up since like seven, which is cray. Well, I guess that's because yesterday, during my adventure with Rachel, we went to a botanical gardens, so in order to get there, we had to tromp through the jungle, so I was SUPPPERRR itchy. So last night, when I went to sleep, I had to be super careful as to how I put my feet/legs. 

Yes. That is all. I'm gonna go do some homework maybe? Probably not, let's be honest, Game of Thrones was on tonight. 

Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: Youth Symphony!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Superluv"


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