Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 5: Updates and Updates and Updates....

This blog will strictly be news and updates because 1) I haven't really done that in a while, 2) I don't have a good topic that I can really write about here, and 3) I'm pressed for time (I'm at speech practice right now----hey, I want to get some sleep tonight! And because I will be in school until 8:30 tonight, I will most likely be able to go to sleep at 9:15ish at the very earliest. And I needs me some sleeps, man!). 

So, okay, Envelope Update! I am on the fifth envelope (I knooooowwwww......) and I have to ask a boy out for cake! Argh! It's not a matter of who to ask, really. It's a matter of how to ask and when to go out for cake. I have no doubt it's gonna be good though. I just know that I'm gonna do it! Awesomeness!

Tum Tum update! I'm currently on a Tumblr hiatus for the entire month of April so no Tum Tum for me (unless special circumstances demand it). Everything's on queue though....I hope the ones for my purple and hands ones are long enough. I am also not on Facebook at all. Or YouTube. I'm going into serious NaNo mode in preparation for States and APs. And Life, in general. I can do this. Confidence!

Blog update! We're doing BEDA. Just in case you didn't know. Or something. Obviousness!

Period 4! Kendall and I have signed up for this cool class called "4 the Good" in which we learn about important life skills (for college and beyond) and also do good for others. It's taught by Mr. U and also one of the coolest people in the world, Ms. Ishii, who is also a tennis coach and community service coordinator here. So far, we've learned a lot of cleaning tips, money matters and how to deal with and what to say in awkward situations. On Monday, we're learning self-defense! (Hyaaaa!) Exciting stuffs!

Sophomore banquet this Saturday! Ahh! So excited. I didn't get to go to my own soph banq a couple of years ago, so I really wanted to go this year as a senior (I tried for The Trifecta--sophomore banquet, junior prom, and senior prom all in one year--but no. No junior prom for Jen.) So one of my brother's friends is nice enough to take me. Exciting! This year, the banquet is gonna be in the AQUARIUM. Even more exciting! Swimming with the fishes. I will update you on that later on this weekend. Yesyesyesyesyesyes!!!

I got back to practice early because my Little Brother (for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program), Kei, had to go home early today. Sadness. I haven't seen him in a long while and I was really excited to play with him today. Hopefully, he'll be able to stay next week Thursday because I only have several weeks with him before I have to say goodbye. I've been with him for two years now and I'm sad. Sadness!

After I do this paragraph, I have to go and make some changes to my risk-taking oration. I have been so confident and resolute about my topic for the past several months that I have been constantly working on it. But after the last late night practice, when my coach questioned the validity of some of my points and suggestions, I'm not completely sure anymore. What am I even talking about? What in the world am I asking my audience to do? Ahh, questions. Must answer them by tonight. Parts of the speech definitely needs to be hashed out. Which means I need to have a conversation with someone (that someone always ends up being me, of course...which is why people think I'm weird here...). So yes, I will get that done.

Okay, that last paragraph is over. Must go back to work now. 

Risks taken: 17
Hugs:  1
Current food cravings/obsessions: I actually just want to bathe in a tub of ice cold water right's so HUMID...
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "Like an N, But Not Really"


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