Sunday, April 8, 2012

Foreboding Foreshadowing

You know how Jen is kind of obsessed with the metaphorical implications of life and has been recently on the hunt for them? Well, I've been going through something similar, but only for me, it's foreshadowing. 

I've actually been kind of afraid to think about certain things because I'm afraid that it will come up again if I do. Why? Because, lately, I'll think about something REALLY REALLY obscure that has nothing to do with anything, and then just a little after, something concerning that thing happens. 

EXAMPLE 1: A few days ago, I was taking a shower when I looked at my shower curtain liner thing (the plastic one on the inside) and thought about how gross it was getting. I LITTERALLY thought about it for a second, and then disregarded it. Two days latter, MY MOM FREAKING COMES HOME WITH A NEW SHOWER CURTAIN LINER THING!!!! Devil's work....

EXAMPLE 2: A few days ago, I was thinking about this one girl that I knew in middle school. I barely knew her and only talked to her a couple of times. I thought about her just for a few seconds. A day or two later, I look at Facebook, AND ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL IS NOW DATING HER!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT??!?!?!?!??!?!?!? My life makes no sense.

There are many more examples of this, but I think that you get my point. Nothing makes sense anymore....

Books Read: 7 (WEEEEEEEHHHHHHW!!!)
Why Today Was Awesome: Bunnies!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Mockingjay" by The Tributes


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