Sunday, March 25, 2012

COME AT ME BRO---Oh wait, no I'm just kidding. JUST KIDDING!

My brain can't really function because I feel like I've been going at over 100 mph since 9am today, going from one thing to the next then back to the first thing and then over to a whole new thing. I feel, like, I feel like I should Busta Rhymes-rap. But I can't. Because my lips can't keep up with the speed at which my brain is telling them to move. 


Yeah. Um. Okay. Prom dress? CHECK. Hunger Games? CHE--OHWAITNO, NOPE, NOT CHECK! I haven't watched it yet...we ended up not watching it on Saturday because of reasons and so we are going to watch it tomorrow but Josh ALREADY WATCHED IT ONLINE LAST NIGHT AND I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED BECAUSE OF REASONS.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.

Ope, forgot to exhale!



Watching movies over and over again with your brother can be pretty boring. But not when your brother is Josh. We were watching Jurassic Park 3 a couple of days ago and we've watched it a million times--I know the entire movie by heart. So it was supposed to be boring. But it wasn't. Josh turned down the volume really low (not really on mute--low enough so that we could hear the people scream but not loud enough that we could clearly hear the dialogue) and then he lip dubbed his way during the dinosaur scenes (which is, like, about 90% of the movie...). For instance, instead of, you know, being chased and attacked by raptors looking for their stolen eggs, Dr. Grant and the Kirbys were being chased by raptors that were obsessed with cats. And not just cats. Dead cats. And apparently, so was Billy, that necrophiliac--that's why he stole the dead cats in the first place! Josh also translated for the raptors--yep, he speaks Dinosaur. I was laughing the whole entire time. 

Fun times. 

So, I don't if I've said it here yet, but I'm on Envelope #4 now. 
I've also been doing lots of writing lately. Which is good. It's always good. Lots of writing is good. 

Must go back to work now. I remember thinking to myself before break that I had lots of things to finish during the spring break but I forgot all about them over the week because of work-work and now they're all coming back to me. 

Risks taken: 17
Hugs:  0
Current food cravings/obsessions: POKE POKE POKE....and soda. Lots of soda.
Playlist(s) on Repeat: ..................................................


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