Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's Official, I Can't Have Children

WooooooooaaaahhhHHHhhhHHH!!!!! What's goin on here?!?!? A blog?????? WHHHHAAAATTTTTT?????


Anyways, I, like Jen, have been sups busy as well, but I have things that need reportation of them. Let's start at the last time I saw you guys. That weekend (last weekend) was the State Tournament for wrestling, and let me say that it went awesomely. I went in having a lot of worries and concerns about how things were gonna be, but then everything worked out amazingly, from us being able to work Head Table, Sid and I running the first place mat, us doing the awards with the Moanalua girls, and just the overall fluidity of everything. It went by really well. 

After that, this past Thursday, our school had a blood drive, and this is the first year in which I have been old enough to donate, so I did. It just felt really great to be able to do something good with myself. Despite the fact that I am now sick and I have to call them and tell them to throw away my blood, it was just a fun experience overall and I plan on doing it again in the future. 

Then, on Friday, the Prefects and ourselves had Goodness day! It was a day in which we tried to promote doing good, being good, and feeling good to the rest of the student body and I think that it went really well!

Yesterday, I spent the first portion of the day finally finishing Fellowship of the Rings W000000TTTT!!!! It was good, I have to say that I really enjoyed it. I have seen the movies before, but I barely remember them, so when I read the end of the book I kind of wanted to throw it across my room and yell at it, but alas, I did not. Now, I'm rereading The Hunger Games in anticipation of the movie. This one is going by a lot more quickly seeing as I'm already like halfway through the book. 

Then, last night, our school had a dance in the gym and I went and it was fun. Yup. That about sums it up. 

This Friday, I'm leaving on a trip for the mainland, so I'm not too sure what my internet situation will be like, but I'm sure that I'll be able to get something up. So until then, later days!

Books Read: 4
Why This Week Was Awesome: Sangre!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Eye of the Tiger"....


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