Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shhpring Break!!!!

Hola! Okay, so I'm typing this through my mom's phone because I won't have Internet until Thursday, so I'm not really sure how the format will show up. 

Anyway, it's SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how happy I am about this break from school. YESYESYESYES it is SPRING BREAK!!!!! I had a speech tournament yesterday and it was at Mililani and Kendall had always told me to go and checkout the purple trees here but I wasn't sure yesterday if they were jacarandas. While there, Josh, Rachel, Kenneth, and I found out that we didn't really need to be there because the district rules said that pre-qualified people cannot compete in finals. It was still good practice though and I had fun hanging out with my teammates. 

 I start work tomorrow and I am excited. It'll be fun office work!! Okay well I have to go now. Oh wait! Update! I'm sups close to finishing the task in Envelope #3 but I will probably have to walk over to Starbucks for Wi-Fi tomorrow after work. 

Okaysies! Kendall is having fun visiting colleges and having Disney fun in California. Then he's flying over to Seattle later. Not sure if he's gonna post this week. Maybe he will...


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