Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sleeping to the Rising of the Sun

Ohheythere. Fancy meeting you here. It's been a while. 

Before anything else, I'd like to take this moment to remember all of those who lost homes, families, and friends in the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan a year ago. Strength and continued prayers still travel across the Pacific, my friends.

Okay, the past week has been wetwetwet--thunderstorms and rain and hail (HAIL in HAWAII!) and even a tornado...aiyooooo. Anyway, what with all the water that's been falling out of the sky, it's amazing that we all still manage to go to school, traipse through the puddles and seriously consider busting out the canoe and paddles. 

I like the rain. Strong rain is fine but it does make people feel down most of the time, me included. Drizzles and summer rains are the best. Sun and drizzle at the same time? It's one of the 1000 Awesome things!

As expected, the last two weeks of the quarter are pretty hectic. But the imminent break for spring is detrimentally affecting my focus on such important cram days. Must work. Must work. Must work. Oh but there's food, and the Internet, and other useless things....NO. MUST WORK.

So, yes, still alive, albeit I had a nasty headache on Thursday and Friday so I stayed home on Friday. I think it's the sleep deprivation guys. Of course it is, it always is. 

Okay, I don't have much to say today actually. Just. I've been busy like the rest of the world. Gah. Things will get better and the times will surely lighten and loosen up once spring break is here. Well, actually, once March is over. Kinda.

On a totally unrelated but still very exciting note: we just got 3 more views from Nigeria (in Africa) this past week. Yes.

Okay, bye.

Risks taken: 17
Hugs:  0
Current food cravings/obsessions: cookies and cream ice cream
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "Stereotypical Disney Princess"


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