Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fun Times All Around

Oh hey there. 

Jen was disbelieving in my posting abilities. Psh. I'm SUPS responsible, I would never not post!!!! Anyways, this week wasnt that exciting. Well, I mean, it was, but, it was all school related exciting stuff. 

On Friday I left for LA, so right now, I'm sitting in our hotel room, looking out at the World Of Color show in the California Adventure Park, fun stuff man. Anyways, we had some adventures here in Disney, and we also drove down to San Diego today. Since it was so close to the border, there were a LOT of antigens around!!!!! 

Oh  yeah, and it's freaking cold!!!! I like the cold though, so it's alright. But, the highlight so far has to be that today for lunch, we went to In and Out. So gooooooooddddddd!!!! On Tuesday, we are going to Seattle for me to visit 3 of my 5 colleges: SPU, SU, and UW. I got into the first two already, so I'm good for those, but I have yet to hear back from UW yet so, things could get awkward. 

Also, Hunger Games comes out on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else freaking excited? Cuz I am! I re-read the first book this past week in like two days. Gah sooo good!!! 

Jen starts work this week and I'm sups jelly! I LOVE office work!!!!!! Gah, so much fun. Okay. I am off for sleep sleep time. Until next week? Until next week. 

Books Read: 5!!!!
Why This Week Was Awesome: Sangre! 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Eye of the Tiger"....


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