Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 30: The Perfect Way (Way Way Way)

LAST DAY OF BEDA! Also, this was the very first time that I officially completed 30 days of consecutive blogging--no days missed, no late posts, no make-up blogs, no shameful days of shame! Cyber high-fives all around? OH YEAH.

Unfortunately, and also ironically, this was Kendall's first time with an incomplete legit BEDA. But we have to take his ONE MINUTE tardiness into serious consideration, guys. A mere 60 seconds doesn't retract from the fact that in all of the past three months of BEDA (August 2010, April 2011, and August 2011), he has done every single one perfectly. Plus, the reason why he missed the midnight deadline was because he was busy working the final (and, thus, the most unpopular) shift at the Family Fair, a selfless act of service and general awesomeness. Come on guys, really. No more rotten tomatoes.

Anyway, to end BEDA, I've written a letter for Future Jen's enjoyment on April 30, 2013.


Dear Future Jen,

Hello there, Future Jen! I, the exactly-one-year-younger-version of you wrote this letter for…you, of course! Getting a letter from yourself must feel so surreal. I would not know the feeling because Past Jen has never written to me before. But I think we are scheduled to open our Cano Letters one day, later on this month, after school. I vaguely remember making sure that my ninth grade Cano Letter, to be opened about three years later, sounded…um…comforting. Because that’s what Jen wants when she opens a letter from the past, right?  Good old warm and fuzzy comfort. Then I got to thinking: is that a pessimistic thing to write in a letter to my future self? See, I expected that my future self will be in a bad place when she reads my letter, and so I make sure to include loving words and caring sentiments. That does sound pessimistic. Well, we shall have none of that sapping business here. No siree. So let’s start over and make sure that this is a letter that will surely bring you a smile, lots of love, and high levels of awesomeness not because I think you need it but because I think that you deserve it! REWIND!

Hello there, Future Jen! My name is Past Jen. You probably think about me, or where I come from, a lot. Or maybe not, that’s cool, too.

I just wanted to know how you were doing! I hope all is well with you: acing all those classes you’re taking in UH, reading all those books for which you never had the free time in ‘Iolani, sleeping and napping like a panda whenever you can (which happens often, I expect), enjoying food as usual, working and earning your own money, and, of course, taking risks!

Have you taken one lately? No, I’m not talking about wearing a skirt to class—that is so Past Jen’s default wimpy excuse of a risk! You’re Future Jen now and you’re in college. If you have, then good for you, you may proceed. I demand that you go and take a healthy risk that will help you grow RIGHT THIS INSTANT, YOUNG LADY. Do not proceed, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go take a risk. I’m serious. You can’t read the rest of this letter without a new risk under your belt. So do it. Just jump. Then you can come back and read the rest of my missive.


Have you done it? Nope? Seriously, go and take a risk. Past Jen does not joke. She is less giggly than you are now, probably, and has the tendency to be quite violent what with all the slapping and the punching she does. Go take a risk, love. This is Past Jen’s way of giving Future Jen a gift she’ll surely appreciate.


Congratulations! You now have another risk on your countdown (unless you don’t count them on here anymore...). Change the number and then write about it later on this week, or whenever you feel like it. Right, so, back to my letter.


Anyway, right now, on April 30, 2012, I am a bit scared and stressed for my upcoming AP exams next week and the week after that. Not “I’m going to die because of all this stress” kind of stress, no. I think this is what they call a “healthy stress”—it is the pressure that you get when you realize and understand what is at stake. And when you realize and understand exactly what is at stake, you perform your best. Over and over again, I’m also chanting in my head, “YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU CAN DO THIS.”

I have Spanish next week Tuesday, Calculus AB the day after, and then English that Thursday. And then the week after that, on Monday, I have Biology and, finally, Government on Tuesday. And then I will be done! That is probably the very thing keeping me going: the fact that I can practically see, feel, taste, smell, and hear the end. I can see the finish line. I can feel the pressure and the anticipation. I can taste the imminent satisfaction. I can smell the aroma of sweet-scented victory. I can hear the roaring of proud and wild spectators. This is it! It’s coming!

Underneath all of the excitement, I am also quite scared. This is new territory right here. This is the biggest change that I will have to undergo in my entire young adult life. So, Future Jen, tell me, or at least really think about these questions: Was it worth it? Was everything worth it? Is the life you live now all that you had ever dreamed of and/or expected it would be? And, of course, I have to ask you some questions that you should always be asking yourself, no matter what.

Are you…
… helping people whenever you can?
… making and learning from your mistakes?
…creating moments for yourself and for others?
…making magic, as in stopping yourself from growing up every chance you get, and always acting like a kid, just bigger?
…constantly thinking about how lucky you are to be alive, to be where you are right here and now?
…setting and achieving higher goals for yourself, constantly moving upward and forward?
…challenging yourself in every way possible?
…taking a break for yourself now and then?
…surrounding yourself with great amazing people who love you, care for you, inspire you, and help you grow and mature into the person you would like to be?
…parsing, kneading and coloring the words that you have always loved, pushing them to their highest potentials and showcasing their beauty and power to the world?
…doing the small things that you know always have a bigger impact?
…always exceeding others’, as well as your, expectations?
…balancing all of your priorities to the best of your ability?
…being good, doing good, and feeling good?
…giving and receiving heartwarming hugs?

These are things to ponder always, Future Jen. So many things! Asses and adjust, Future Jen! Like the chant that’s going on non-stop in my head right now keeps telling me, I say to you, “YOU CAN DO THIS!”

I believe in you. I always have.  I believe in who you are and your capabilities. I believe in what you will become and what you do to get yourself there. And I think that has been the thing that has helped me transform from me to you, over and over again, all these years, you know? Even with all of the love and support that you always get from your friends and family, of which you should be very thankful, by the way, none of it would have gotten us where we are now if it were not for me believing in you and you believing in me.

You always choose so always choose happiness. Leave your mark on this world: touch and help shape those clay-hearts. You have always read books for the characters, not for the plot, so do the same with life. Always be on the lookout for red moleskin notebooks and other adventures. Sing as loudly as you want and don't be afraid. Laugh at some clever wordplay and puns on Tumblr (still addicted?). Immerse yourself in your playlists. Slytherin pride all the way. French all the llamas. Put things on your head. No swoodilypooping. Decrease world suck and increase awesome. Write postcards and love letters to the world. Send some good karma out there. Smile—you don’t have braces anymore! Leave imprints of yourself on the pages of your world. Get on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend, and stay on it.

I hope all is well and that everyone’s one-year-older versions are doing great. Tell everyone I said hi. Now go and have something to eat because food will always, always, love you back.

FTBAYS (Forget to Be Awesome, You Shan’t),
Past Jen&Berrs

P.S. NBA Playoffs? Huh?

P.P.S. Hi. Ok, bye. For reals, this time.


Well, this has certainly been fun. Another adventure done! So much studying for the past six hours. I read four chapters of Bio (test toms) and did a MC Part A practice for Calc. And I still have to do Gov reading/studying in the morning. Aiyo! Go, go, go, Jen. Anyway, toodles guys. Until next week (we're going back to BEWTY), my pretties, BEST WISHES!!!

Risks: 18
Hugs: 2 (both from Kirsten!)
Current food cravings/obsessions: grainy artisan chips
Playlist(s) on repeat: "THIS" 

Time for Some Thyme

Hey guys, last day of BEDA!!!!!!

TBH, this is gonna be a short one, because it's sups late, and I still have a butt load of things to do. But, I just wanted to share with you guys that today, I used a legit, heavy duty copy machine, and made 2,470 copies. It did take forever, but it was freaking awesome. 

This month has been another fun time! Yes, it was my first fail month, but keep in mind that it was Jen's first success month!!!! W00T!!!! Okay, whale, it's been real. Until next week Blogaloggers. 

Books Read: 8 
Why Today Was Awesome: Copy Machine!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Satellite" 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Math City

Today was a nice empty day of me being home alone and just chilling. Even though I did have some work, I managed to beast out my bio paper (as bad as it may have been) and then I was able to just sit on the couch and watch some quality Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, and Mythbusters!!! It was a good time.

Then after that, I went to the Wrestling Banquet, which was a good time, including good noms. That's all that is ever needed, good noms. Who loves noms? KENDALL DOES!!!

Okay, I have a few more things to do...... KAY BAI!!! 

Books Read: 8 
Why Today Was Awesome: A Day of Chill
Song Stuck in My Head: BLANK!!!!

Day 29: As Promised

(I promised on Friday to discuss the whole future idea that Kendall and I have started here.)

Sitting in biology class earlier this week, I realized that graduating takes a little bit of magic. As I attentively listened to the illustrious Papa Jack, our biology teacher, I couldn’t help but think about how amazing it is to be in the presence of a man who stands (well, sits behind his desk, actually) with years of knowledge, wisdom, and experience under his belt and yet still manages to crack corny jokes, sing crazy songs, and even belly laugh wholeheartedly at the silliest stories. Sitting in biology class earlier this week, I witnessed Papa Jack’s magic.

I’ve mentioned before that over the years, I’ve learned that speech and debate teaches one mastery of the things over which one does not have control. With graduation and growing up in general, it’s the same principle.

We inevitably try to control the things over which we do not have control. We try to slow down what little time we have left: our remaining days, our weeks, our months. We try to stop time from passing, the world from turning, our lives from changing.

Graduating means realizing that none of this can be done. 

So, instead, we have to stop ourselves from growing up, from forgetting each other, from never looking back as we move on. And that, I believe, is the magic in graduating, in getting older, in living a life of fulfillment.

Papa Jack is just a bigger, wiser and more mature little kid. And he definitely acts like one. Sitting in the front row in biology class that day, I realized that all I really want to be is kinda like Papa Jack: older and wiser but still just as childlike, no matter what I end up doing or where I end up living. All I want is to make some magic as I grow up.

The passage of time is a straight line punctuated by the things that you do, the places you visit, and the people you meet in the moments of the seconds of the minutes of the hours of the days of the weeks of the months of the years of your life.

As is true with every year, BEDA(pril) is certainly one of these spikes in my straight line. As we near the end of our final BEDA(pril) as high schoolers, we realize more and more that we are also nearing the end of our time as high schoolers. Yikes. Time to start making some magic.

Tomorrow is the last day! Because it seems very fitting, because Kendall’s post was awesome, and because I’m generally an unoriginal biter, I am going to end BED(April) 2012 with a letter to my future self. I hope Future Jen appreciates it. She better.

Risks: 18
Hugs: 1
Current food cravings/obsessions: good bread
Playlist(s) on repeat: Well, just one song, really..."My Wish" by Rascal Flatts

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Name, Dear Brutus, Is What You Fear

Want to know how I spent my day today? Freaking reading freaking Maureen Johnson's book "The Name of the Star" that was so freaking amazing that I just CAN'T EVEN!!!!!!! It was soooo gooooooodddd!!!!

Okay, so, one thing about this book that did catch me off guard was that it is FANTASY!!!! (Not fantasy in the sense of like dragons and castles and such, but it's just something that is not real at all) and that's super tricky because practically the first half of the book seems so real and plausible, but then it just changes!!! SOOO GOOOODDD!!!! I can't even. Like, Maureen made it such a fun and exciting book, while keeping it funny and serious and so many other amazing things. Maureen, I love you!

Anyway, that was my life. I still have to write that silly Bio paper, but pssh, I know a guy who will do it for me for a couple of good 80's albums. (lololololololololololol) 

...... I'm a nerd ........

Books Read: 8 (W0000TTT!!!)
Song Stuck in My Head: "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction........

Day 28: My Day Has Consisted of Babies, the Playoffs, the White House Correspondents' Dinner, and The Scarlet Letter

OMG THE MAVS VS. OKC GAME INTERROBANG. I'm so mad right now. I was biting my nails the whole afternoon as I was working on my English presentation on The Scarlet Letter and tracking the score on the NBA website. Mavs were up 98 to 97 and then freaking Durant had to score 2 points with 1.5 seconds left in the game. FREAKING 1.5 SECONDS. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. They were so close!!! AHHH!

Yeps. NBA Playoffs started today. And I'm so nervous for the Mavs...

As I mentioned, I've been working all afternoon on my English stuffs. I should have finished it earlier but I had to go to a christening party last minute. Aiyo. Now I'm trying to finish the visual part of my presentation as quickly as possible so I can start that bio paper (still trying to figure out what I should write about...gonna have to get creative).

Anyway, I planned on blogging after finishing my English review page, but all I can think about are the Mavs. I can't believe Nowtizki took the full first half to get in the game. Terry should have played more. AHHHH! So frustrated! Game 2 is in Oklahoma again. Did I mention how nervous I am for my babies??? GAH.

Oh, and also, the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Oh Kimmel and Obama...

Risks: 18
Hugs: 9 (fam party so...)
Current food cravings/obsessions: roasted pecans
Playlist(s) on repeat: "The [Ninja] Master"

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 27: #BOOM

It feels good to sleep on my own bed. 

I want to spend some time with my bed, so this one's gonna be another quick one. 

School was good. Of course it was good, it's a Friday!

After school, we had the Lower School Big Brothers/Sisters party. That was fun. 

Then, Kendall and I set up our final four projects for Smalls over the phone. Excited to do some awesome stuff for some awesome people.

Kendall's post today, can I just say, is pretty awesome on so many levels. I have much more to say on this topic, something that I realized today in Bio and I promise to discuss it all here this weekend before BEDA is over (on Monday) but right now, I need some quality time with My Bed. For, like, more than 8 hours tonight.

Mmmmm, hello My Bed. I have missed you so much...

Risks: 18
Hugs: 3
Current food cravings/obsessions: I just want some water...
Playlist(s) on repeat: "The [Ninja] Master"

Letter To Myself

Oh Universe, why on Earth are you so silly???

After reading Jen's blog post, it got me thinking about the future and the now, once again, but then what really hit it over the top was how one of my newer favorite YouTubers posted a video about this theme. Her name is emilythebravee and she is awesome and you should check her out. Today, she posted a video in response to a video that she posted exactly one year ago today, which was a letter to herself. She is currently a freshman in college, so when she wrote herself the letter, she was a senior, just like I am now. So I thought, since it seemed really interesting for her to compare how her life has changed in one year, I should do the same, right? Right.

Dear Kendall (April 27, 2013),

So right now, I'm in kind of a strange place. What I feel like is that my world is reaching its series finale. Everything is culminating. With Graduation in five weeks, all my classes are cray right now, and I have more extra stuff then ever. Everything is building up for that climactic ending. The thing is though, my life has to go on. So once this series is done, the next one will begin, only then, we will have a new setting, new plot, and new set of characters (other than me of course). It will be like going from The Suite Life of Zach and Cody to The Suite Life on Deck. Or from Rugrats to All Grown Up. 

As exciting as this all is, I can't help but feel so sad and nostalgic. After these few weeks, my life will CHANGE. Never again will I be around all these amazing people as often. Ties will break. Experiences will be lost. And all that will remain are memories. And I wish that there could be more than that. 

Nevertheless, life, as always, must go on. New ties must be formed. New experiences must be had. And new memories must be made. I am excited for the future to come, and I truly do wish myself, and all my friends the best in what they do. 

And while all these things will change, there are some things that I wish to ask of you to not lose or forget:
-Your current friends. (Remember the song! "Make new friends, but keep the old, some are silver and the other gold!")
-Your addiction to Tumblr
-This Blog
-Your morality, caringness for life, and motivation for everything
-Your passion for staplers
-Your addiction to so many amazing fandoms
-Your amazingly good looks

And though I do ask you to keep all this true, please don't be afraid to grow and change. I hope that you can look back at this and smile. You will probably think about how stupid I am now, which is probably true, but I hope that this letter will at least help you to remember what was once had. And as they say in John's Hometown: Don't Forget To Be Awesome.

Kerms (April 27, 2012)

Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: MEGAPHONE!!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 26: Today Was Better

In terms of focusing in class, I mean. Significantly better. I even took notes in English. And paid particularly close attention to the listening portions of the practice AP Spanish exam. YESSSSS. 

We had our second to the last Big Brother/Sister session today. Our last one is next week and that's gonna be a party. But I'm very sad to leave Kei. I know that it doesn't matter who his Big is next year, he will still have a really fun time, but still. He was a bit down when we were working on our Memory Books because he had lost his previous Big (Ashlyn) to college, too, and he realized that we were nearing the end and that he is going to lose another Big to college again. He kept asking questions about Ash. When I dropped him off at A+ after our hour passed, he finally asked me what I could tell had been bothering him the whole time: "Where are you going next year?" He looked so sad. I told him that I'm going to college but that I'm staying on the island. Before I could explain that I'm not gonna be his Big next year, though, despite the fact that I'll be nearby, he started jumping for joy. I don't think he heard me. Ahh, I'll talk to him about it more next week, though I expect he'll realize it before we see each other next week Thursday.

I just want time to stop. I just want everything to stop for a while or maybe just slow down for a little bit. I'm getting more and more overwhelmed by how fast everything is coming to an end. I think this is why I'm having trouble focusing in class. 

For the past almost-four years it's always been learn-listen-take notes-study-bell rings-walk to another class-and-repeat over and over again the whole day and then after that it's g0 home-do work-write papers-read-study for tomorrow all night long. And then we do it over again the next day. It has always been like this for the past almost-four and no matter what, I've always felt in control about the time because there was always a next class, there was always a tomorrow, there was always a next time, there was always a next year. 

Now, we don't have that. There are less and less next classes, less and less tomorrows, less and less next times, and certainly no next year here in 'Iolani. 

So I feel the need to slow myself down because that's the only thing I can control now, right? I have this urge to just sit still in the middle of the Center Courtyard and just breathe and watch people walk by me. In class, I have this urge to stare at the wall or the board or the floor and just close my eyes and listen to the voices of my classmates and my teachers and try to imprint every little detail of every little second in the deepest corners of my memory. I feel like I should be writing everything that makes me laugh or cry or think. 

It's the whole "herd of wildebeests stampeding towards you" kind of thing all over again: They're coming and no force in the world can stop them. The end is coming. And no force in the world can stop it.

Risks: 18
Hugs: 2
Current food cravings/obsessions: 
Playlist(s) on repeat: "The [Ninja] Master"

I Can See It In Your Eyes

So today, due to certain circumstances (i.e. me being tired and lazy) I present to you some of my awful writing!!! This is a short story that I wrote last week for my Advanced Creative Writing class. I really like the idea of it, but it's still the first draft so it's sups messy. It was very different writing it because it is much more "adult" than anything else that I have written before, so it was fun! Have fun???? :D


        The morning light found its way through the window and onto my face, practically blinding me awake from my sleep. There was something off about this light, the sun was in an awkward position: not quite rising, but still not overhead either. It left the air with a certain tint, it almost felt unreal.
        I tossed around for a few minutes until I noticed a sleek black dress on the floor. Oh yeah, I thought. I had brought home a friend last night. I got up and searched my floor for the shirt and shorts that smelled the least, and reluctantly threw them on.
        I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room to find the strange girl, who I had brought home the night before, sitting on the couch, wearing only one of my white dress shirts. She didn't look the same as last night, she looked much more innocent. Damn beer goggles, I thought.
        I approached the girl, ready to give her my usual line, when I noticed something in her hand. At first, it seemed like a turquoise ball, about the size of a tennis ball. But the more I stared at it, the more mystical it looked. It wasn't a ball, but more like a crystal orb. It almost looked as if there was something inside the orb, like a spirit swimming around.
        "Where did you get that?" I asked. She looked up from the orb and said, "It's yours."
        "No it's not. I've never seen that before in my life. Where the hell did you find that?"
        "I was going through your closet to find a shirt, when this rolled out from under your dresser."
        I stared her down. She sounded so calm and unworried, completely different than last night. Oh God, I thought, What's her name?
        "Can I see it?" I asked with an arm out stretched. She immediately jumped up, as if I just pulled out a gun. But then she realized what I was asking and slowly held her hand out. I grabbed the orb and immediately felt a wave of relief and tranquility pass over me. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, the whole world was gone, and all that was left was this moment.
I stared into the orb for what I hoped was forever, mesmerized by the greenish-blue contents that circled around and around. Then suddenly, there was a knock at the door and the girl grabbed the orb from me. A feeling of reality surged over me. I shook off the strange feeling that the orb had brought and headed over to the door.
        I looked through the peep hole to find what looked like a homeless man. He was wearing big, tattered clothes, all the color of dirt and grime, he had a giant beard that reached half-way down his torso, and his hair made it look like he was just electrecuted. The man banged on the door again, so I finally opened up a little, leaving the chain on the door, and looked through the crack.
        "Can I help you?" I asked.
        "Where is it?" He said with a deep and raspy voice.
        "Where is what?" He couldn't be talking about the orb could he?
        "You know goddamn well what I'm talking about. And if you don't give it to me in the next hour, your little girlfriend is gonna find her guts splattered on the wall. You have one hour." He then pulled the door shut and I could hear his off-beat footsteps trudge down the hall.
        I ran back the living room and looked at the girl, "Let's go."
        "Right now, we're leaving. Bring the orb with you, but here," I pulled out a bag of marbles from my dresser, and dumped the contents on the floor. I walked over to her and held the bag open for the orb. She looked at me, then the bag, then the orb. Closing her eyes, she held the orb out, and let go into the bag. She slouched down and let out a sigh of relief, she must have felt the same as I did when I let go of it. I pulled the bag close with the draw strings and put it into a backpack with some water, rope, clothes, some snacks, a first aid kit, and my cell phone charger. The girl had run back into my room and started to put on the dress that she was wearing the night before.
        "No," I said, pulling out some old jeans and a t-shirt from an old girl friend, "wear this." She grabbed the clothes with a smile and we were ready to leave in two minutes. With all of our things packed, I put on the backpack, and I could feel the orb resting on my back. My mind kept wavering and thinking about things that didn't matter, but I had to work past that. We got to the door when the girl finally said, "Where are we going?" I turned around and looked into her hazel eyes, she did look different from last night, but now she looked better.
        "On an adventure," I said. The light in my apartment had finally stabilized. The sun had reached a sensible position and everything almost felt normal once again. I held my arm outstretched to the girl and said, "I'm Grant, by the way."
        She grabbed my hand and said, "Keri". We smiled at one another then, turned towards the door, and ran down the hall, not knowing what would come next.


Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: Straw Glasses???
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Ripper?

Today, with Mr. U, I had a proposal/presentation with a bunch of high-up adult people at my school. I was kind of sups nervous for it because it was different than everything that I have ever done before. I mean, I have done presentations for classes, but this was different. It was much more real life. REAL LIFE GUYS???? WHAT IS THIS??? Anyway, I felt super good about it afterward. Adults are easily impressed by technology so it was a lot easier since they all responded so positively. 

Anyways, we also started working on our final project website for Advanced Creative Writing and it seems like it can be really cool! I had fun working on it in class. It was a good time! 

Bleh, I must got studys for Bio, fun stuff!!!

Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: NAILED It! (And the Mac and Cheese was pretty awesome too!!!)
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Day 25: I Have Trouble Focusing in Class

Hola y'all! This is gonna be a quick one.

I am having trouble focusing on my classes. How is it possible that people are actually listening in class when the sun is shining outside and the sky looks amazing and the green is all beautiful and dreamy and...I have lost my ability to focus in class. I must regain it! I feel like I'm just floating or passing through. To some degree, I think that could be a calming and soothing thing but, in excess, it is quite dangerous for a second semester senior what with AP exams looming around the corner. 

Okay, I have to make sure I focus. And if it means blogging for only a couple of minutes in school, then so be it. That would leave lots of reading and studying time at home. I don't call it homework anymore because, really, all I have to do now is review and study and read. Gone are the paper-slash-worksheet-homework. So this is what it feels like to prep for five AP exams. Oh boys.

We're going to learn how to cook non-rice foods in a rice cooker today in 4 the Good. So, basically, we're going to defy all laws of normality and venture deep into the worlds of awesome (as is always true when dealing with food, of course).

I just finished Envelope #8! Kinda. I still have to take a picture of my nerdfighter notes (well, one of them), post it on Tumblr and then kinda blog about it on there. Oh, and just as important, I have to eat something while I do it. Challenging? I think not. But amazing.

Well, I'm off to ask Jungle Bob to tell me a story.

Risks: 18
Hugs: 4
Current food cravings/obsessions: mac and cheese (which is what we will cook in the rice cooker)
Playlist(s) on repeat: "A Roller Coaster that Only Goes Up, My Friend: High on Life"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 24: Nonexistent Crushes

Today was surprisingly not bad. After a weekend full of fair fun and lethargy, I mean, I had to brace myself for an awful Tuesday albeit it was the first day of our shortened week. But it was not bad. It was actually kinda...uh...good? Kinda. (Like, really on the kinda-side.)

School was filled with...stuff. I had to miss Gov for a college presentation so now I'm working on the test that I missed today in class. We had States debriefing after school. I went to that dinner ceremony thing with Mrs. M and my dad and the food there was delicious.

Earlier today, I realized that I only have 15 MORE SCHOOL DAYS LEFT. I. Can't. Even. Even. Anymore. Nope. Just. No.

I feel all giddy and light and a bit high (not drug-high, just life-high) so I'm kind of disoriented and confused and incapable of forming coherent thoughts. So, yeah, back to Gov multiple guessing. I guess. Haha, get it? Just...yeah. Life's good right now. Life's pretty good. STOP THINKING THAT I AM NOT SOBER BECAUSE I AM. Okay, bye now.

Risks: 18
Hugs: 3
Current food cravings/obsessions: water...
Playlist(s) on repeat: "A Roller Coaster that Only Goes Up, My Friend: High on Life"

P.S. Today's posts are really random.............................

Eats Shoots and Leaves

So this morning, I wrote a story about a crystal orb... Yup. It happened. 

*Cue Intro Music*

Oh, hey there, I didn't see you guys *puts down painting of panda*, I was just admiring some art. Anyway I wanted to talk to you guys today about first dates. *Cut to first date reenactment*

-Oh, were you talking to me?
-Sorry about that....
-Do you want to eat, Charlie?
-WHAT?!?!? NO!!!!! Why would I want to eat Charlie?!?!
-.... I meant, do you want to eat *pause* Charlie.

*Cut back to normal setting*



That was my script for this blog post, as if it was a vlog post...... Bye guys.....

Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: Hogwarts Hotline!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Adult Female" by Hank Green

Monday, April 23, 2012

That's What Love Is

Sorry for doing this, but Jen brought up something super interesting that I wanted to comment on. She said that she enjoys watching "bad guys" get their comeuppance. Her example being Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender. But you see, that's where we are different, I hate Azula just as much as the next person, especially when she is going all crazy psycho B-Word mode, but in the end, when Katara covers her in water, then freezes it so she can tie her up to the water grate thing, and then lets go of the water and we see Azula screaming and flailing and sobbing because she lost, I can't help but feel so bad for her. And I know that she deserved it and that she is a BAD person, but I do. 

Not only for Azula though, but for Fire Lord Ozai, Umbridge, and countless other bad people who don't deserve what's right, but I can't help but want to give it to them anyway.

Interesting thoughts... 

Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: Hair cut? NO!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Adult Female" by Hank Green (ALL THE FEELLLLSSS!!!)

Day 23: Appa Did Not Eat Momo

This is gonna be a sups short post. Sups short! Gots tos works ons stuffs. 

My hands and arms still hurt. I'm using a towel and a folded sheet now. Bleh.

I baked a carrot cake yesterday. And I added some frosting-glaze. Yums. 

And I watched the Lakers game. World Peace so totally did NOT elbow the OKC guy on purpose...he was totally just celebrating his dunk. I mean, COME ON.

I don't like Azula. She's so mean and bossy. I love watching her get her comeuppance at the very end of the series. Well, I like watching terrible people get their comeuppance in general...

This morning, I woke up from a dream about three different people making promises to me. But I don't remember what they promised, just that they were really important. And, then, I saw lots of really pretty doors slam closed in front of me, one by one. What is going on in my subconscious.... 

Okay, bye bye for now.

Risks: 18
Hugs: None so far
Current food cravings/obsessions: hmmm
Playlist(s) on repeat: "Sunny Days on End," "We Could Happen You Know (If Only You Showed Up Once in a While," and "Add 30 Years + variations"

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Quiet Sneeze

... Shameful day is shameful ...

Anyways, this has been yet another day of inciting nothingness. Well, I did tutor, go out to dinner with my family, and hopefully will start to help Jen with the John Scavenger Hunt seeing as that's a thing that needs to be done. 

Sorry, hold on, Cheez-It break.....


They were delicious!!!!!


Okay, I am off. There are moments to be made, and muffins to be eaten. 

Books Read: 7 
Why Today Was Awesome: Creative Mind
Song Stuck in My Head: My head has been kind of void of repetitiousness lately...

Day 22: There's a Place for Us

I'm posting early today because I have lots of homework and such. After two days of fun, I need to do some of a different type. 

It is very unfortunate that Kendall didn't post last night. I really wanted and wished that this would be the month where both of us really do BEDA legitly--and I've been doing so well, if I do say so myself! But alas, "the world is not a wish-granting factory" (Green). I posted at 9:40ish last night and I actually texted Kendall to remind him to blog! And then I checked back at 12:15ish and there was no new post after my Saturday one. So much sadness right now, man.

Okay, today, I have to be extra focused on my work because although I finished actual homework-homework on Thursday night before Fair Friday, I still have to write some short answers and essays and my bacc speech. And also, this upcoming Friday is the 27th, our day on John's calendar! We have to get ready for that by Tuesday. Also, I have to read and review three chapters for Gov and prep a presentation for my review day in English. All of which involves typing and such--which sucks because I seriously think that I have carpal tunnel syndrome on both hands. Some of my fingers have been numbing on and off these past two days like they're paralyzed. Plus, I feel slight pain on the median nerves along my forearms. I have to put a towel underneath my wrists and my arms as I type. I hope this doesn't get worse; rest and exercise are supposed to make it better.

So far, nothing interesting has happened on this beautiful Sunday morning. Other than the fact that I made some breakfast and it was good. Yep. It's still kinda early. So yeah.

Risks: 18
Hugs: None so far
Current food cravings/obsessions: nothing (gasp)
Playlist(s) on repeat: "Sunny Days on End," "We Could Happen You Know (If Only You Showed Up Once in a While," and "Add 30 Years + variations"