Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wombat Backyard Baseball

Hey guys!

Jen is right. We have so lost our steam. I have so much stuff to do but last night I spent a good amount of time in Deme's room hanging out. Then I was in Conor's room helping him with homework. And then, at 1 in the morning last night, we decided that we needed Dicks (a local burger place) and I got a zipcar and Kelsey, Jeff, Riley, and I went to Dicks and it was so great. But then I went to bed at like 2:30 and had to wake up at 7:30. 

Today was kind of crazy too. Today was the room selection day for us to select what room we want. Originally, Kenny, Alec, and I were supposed to go for this super nice brand new dorm apartment thing and I wanted to live there but it's just to expensive. 

So you know how you have back up plans? Well today, we went from like Plan A to Plan T. Things were just not going well for us. But eventually, some of our other friends, Kelsey, Riley, Minjung, and Bianca were struggling too and we decided that we could all get a house together. So we found a really nice house and I emailed them and we're going to go see it and hopefully apply for it on Friday. I really really really hope this works out because this has been so stressful and stupid and I just want it to work. 

Anyway, other than that, it was so nice today, it's almost hot when you walk outside. I mean, I know that it won't last, but still. It was so nice and it makes me so happy when the sun is out and it's just omazing. I can't. 

Yeah, I have a midterm tomorrow that I have yet to study for but I think I'm just going to wake up early because it's dat yolocollegelife808. 

Books Read: 4
Why Today Was Awesome: Dicks!

Song Stuck In My Head: 


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