Monday, April 1, 2013

Pink Sugarplum?

Hey guys!!

You know what today is.... THE FIRST DAY OF BEDA!!! Are you excited? Cause I'm excited.... So today was a cool day. First of all, I'd like to say that Seattle weather is such a tease. Yesterday was like the most beautiful day ever, warm like cray, and sun for days. But then this morning it's all gloomy and cold, but then in the afternoon the sun is all like PSYCH! Stupid Seattle...

Anyway, Spring quarter officially started today, which means new classes! I'm actually kind of excited for classes this quarter. I have math, physics, a coding/programming class, and a digital photography class. So it should be fun. I had to get my books today and it was so ridiculously expensive, it was terrible. But that's alright, it's for my education! So yeah. Today was actually really boring though cause it was syllabus day. That's the worst...

Then after dinner, I spontaneously went with Kelsey and Riley to this thing called Retro to see our friend Deme perform (I really hope I spelled that right). So we're sitting there for like 2 hours in a super packed theater waiting for his name to be called. I mean, it wasn't bad though, the other people were really good and it all just felt so collegey, it was weird. But then at the end, we were hoping he would be called, but one of the emcee girls said that she was going to sing a song to end it, which was disappointing. But the worst part about it was that she sang the song that he was going to sing! Like, really? I don't know, kind of des, but there's always next time and all. 

It's so weird how in such a big school like this there are so many different worlds within it. Like, when I'm with my friends here, it feels like it's own thing, but then I get around other people who are just different and I feel like I couldn't be any farther away. It's a really weird experience that comes with a big school I guess. Not bad. Just weird. 

So yeah, that's my life. In a box. I hope you're ready for one crazy ride of a BEDA, cause I know that I am....This has been fun. Same time tomorrow? AHHHHH but really!!!!! Okay, I'm sorry that I'm so awesome. BAI!

Books Read: 4
Why Today Was Awesome: New Classes!!
Song Stuck in My Head: Eh.


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