Saturday, April 20, 2013

BEDA 20: Bittersweet...But More Bitter

Hola y'all! Saturday was a whirlwhind of emotions kind of day. 

I woke up early with Josh so we could get to Punahou by 7am. I ended up judging Storytelling the first round--which was a fun time. And then I ended up being a judge/scorer for the Super Congress session. Um. Not fun. Definitely not fun. It's a new event that the HSL is trying out, and I actually heard of its existence for the very first time when we went to Dallas for Nationals because there were,  like, students who had "Senator" stuff no their lapels and I was like "Whaaa?" Anyway, yes, it's starting to take some kind of root here in the HSL, but it's fairly new so the students are still fumbling around. I can kind of see its potential but right now it's a pretty weak event and I don't see it getting to that point until way later. I mean, it must have taken years to get Policy and the other debate events down and solid as there are now in the league.

Then I ended up watching Rachel and Kenneth's final round for Policy, then I watched part of finals for PR, and then I slipped out to watch the final round for Oratory next door. There were a lot of feelings there, of course, because this is the culminating event of the Hawaii season and although I'm not competing anymore, the feelings and memories are still fresh and vivid having just graduated last year. Speech and debate, for me specifically, was a place where and a period in my life when I grew in so many ways. I'm not going to say that I do not have regrets, because I do--tons of them--but I also know that I have had triumphs along the way. My heart fills with love when I remember all of the memories I've made and the friends I have now because of it. Anyway, I can't really write as elegantly as I would like to on this subject (blame the feels), but my point is that I am so extremely happy and ever grateful for all of the forces that were behind me when I signed that lime-green contract as a ninth-grader, agreeing to join the team. And at the same time, I am also so incredibly sad that I will probably never ever have an experience as wonderful, rewarding, and life-changing as my four years in the team. 

In last year's BEDApril posts, Kendall's blog post during the last night of States was basically him being nervous for me and he was apparently waiting all night for me to text him. I remember two States before last year's States (so when I was a sophomore), I didn't break for Policy at McKinley and I ended up calling Kendall and leaving him a lengthy voice message of just me sobbing and trying to talk after he didn't answer. After reading last year's BEDA about Kendall being nervous for me, it just kinda goes to show you 1) how important States was for me that other people were nervous for me, too, and 2) how amazing Kendall is as a friend.

Another reason why it was a whirlwind of a day--Josh and Sarah did not break for Duo, and neither did they break individually for PR. I was sad for them but so proud of Josh for taking it in stride though and for actually going to watch the PR final round to show support for Emerald, a teammate who had broken finals. There was one Duo team from another school about whom I had been telling them all season but could not put into words exactly what made this Duo team so good. And because I lack the skills of an Interp competitor (save for those needed in PR), I couldn't really show them either. But Josh and Sarah got to watch this specific Duo team (who ended up winning 2nd this year and are going to Nationals) and they both were blown away. I was glad that they got to see these two because now they know the level at which they need to be in order to go to Nationals. And I kept emphasizing to them that it is possible for them to get to that level of quality despite the lack of speech-specific coaching in 'Iolani. If they worked hard and took it upon themselves to train and practice and choreograph their performance to the point where every single tilt of the head is carefully planned, they can get there. 

Anyway, for those of you who care, congratulations are in order because 'Iolani did so well! Here are the places that the team won:
PR - 2nd Place (Emerald)
US Extemp - 2nd Place (Ayami) and 1st Place (Kenneth)
International Extemp - 2nd Place (Dante) and 1st Place (Rachel)
Champs LD - 2nd Place (Ayami)
Beginning PFD - 1st place (Vicki and Taja)
Advanced PFD - 4th place (Lauren and Lauren) and 2nd place (Nicki and Dante)
JV - 1st Place (Jenna and Kara)
Vars - 3rd place (Danielle and Bradley) and 1st place (Rachel and Kenneth)

'Iolani also won two of the three giant trophies for overall Debate Events and overall Original Events, in addition to the one for highest points amassed (the one where if a school wins it, the school goes back to zero and everyone else gets to continue or something like that). And, of course, Rachel won Student of the Year for being incredibly awesome of course! And she deserves it so much and more! 

I'm really so pleased and happy for the team. And they're a young team, too--I'm glad to see that the new freshmen (and a big part of the team are freshmen) are so willing to work.

They're picture better be on the school website. If this type of news doesn't get the team on the rolling pictures on the front page, I don't know what will.........

Risks: 45!
Books Read: 9 (I didn't add One Red Paperclip when I should have before)
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 20 (I needed it right before judging Congress....)


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