Sunday, April 28, 2013

BEDA 28: Bus and Bake Sunday

I just caught up reading last year's BEDA(pril) posts and, wow, One-Year-Ago Jen was very much...contemplative. And I dare say worried about the future. Now I'm really interested to read my April 30 post which contains the letter that I wrote to Future-Jen which is actually now Present-Jen. Hehe.

Today, I woke up, had breakfast, watched some HIMYM, then Josh watched Avengers (ugh), and then I took a bus ride to Kalihi only to get off and then get on the bus back again, went to Walmart to buy some stuff because guess what I did after I BAKED YEAH WHAAATTT. I was really excited on Saturday (yesterday) when I realized that I had some time to bake. Yesss. I made S'Mores Cookies for the first time and, I dare say, they turned out to be delicious. At least, that's what everyone who has tried them has told me. And everyone knows you can't lie to Baker-Jen!

Anyway, I Instagrammed a photo of it (I hope you guys can see it). Also. Not to brag or anything but new--Anyone? Anyone?--IG record! No? Just me? Okay.

Okay, time for a paper.

Risks: 46 
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 (2 new ones tonight yay!)
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 26 


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